Still Streaking? & New Winner

Okay, I am getting tired.  Whose idea was it to streak anyway?  It seemed like a good idea at the start of January.  Maybe I should have waited to do this streak for a shorter month, like February.  Too late now and I'm not going to be streaking next month.  I'm tempted to take the next month off.  I won't, of course.  But the idea sounds pretty appealing right now.

I only put in a mile last night and mile tonight.  I normally wouldn't do 2, 1-milers like that, but the weather just sucked tonight.  31/32F & freezing rain and the roads were slick (again).   Yuck.  I would much rather run 10 miles in  -9F anyday than do a mile like I did tonight.  

I also have to admit, my glutes on my left side have been a bit sore for the past three days.  I actually had some tightness going on in my IT band area as well.  Nothing major, but enough for me to say, "a mile is enough" only because I have the Midwinter Classic 10 miler coming up the morning of Super Bowl Sunday.  I trained for that race last winter and it was postponed, rescheduled, then cancelled due to horrible weather.  Lucky me, because the race was cancelled, meant I had free registration this year.  Free registration - well of course!  Sign me up.  (in all honestly, it was free for me last year, Stacy actually registered me last year as well - it was all her idea to do this race - I did not want to do it).  Anyway, I have never run a 10 mile race before - especially in the dead of winter.  I don't have a baseline & I will get an automatic PR, but I want to do well.  I'm hoping for something between my 10K and 1/2 marathon PR times.   Makes total sense, right?  We'll see.   I also don't want the IT band issue to revisit, so resting the past two days was my plan.  Oh and foam rolling, bengay, ibuprofen, yoga & rocking my aspaeris shorts.  

How many of you are still streaking?  Only a few more days left!!!  

On another note, I chose a new WrightSocks winner.  Originally, there were 10 winners posted.  9 winners emailed me within the 72 hours.  It's been 120 hours since I posted the winners, so I picked another. chose #37........

So, miss Holly - can you please email me at runningwiththegirls AT gmail DOT com?  Please!  I'd like to email Tom this weekend!  I'll give you 72 hours as well!  


  1. Still streaking, but so ready for the 1st! And if you had done it in Feb this year it would have only been two days's a leap year! Hope you are feeling better.

  2. Still streaking as well. I am actually going until Feb 4. I turned 35 this month and figured one day for each year :)
    You are going to do AWESOME on your race, have no worries!!!!!

  3. Stopped run streaking early, have been walking at least 3.0 miles on rest days :-). I promised myself no streaking this year :-)

  4. Still streaking, but didn't start at the beginning of the month. I plan to streak for as long as I can.

  5. Still streaking, but didn't start at the beginning of the month. I plan to streak for as long as I can.

  6. Congratulations on still streaking! That's great! When I am not training for a race, I am thinking of doing it, maybe in May...

  7. I don't think I could ever be a "streaker", for some reason my foot bothers me every now and then. I think I am actually going to try to see a sports PT and get some foot strengthening and stretching exercises.

    Just think, January is almost over! You've got this!


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