June In Review

Summer is here and I'm loving it.  Best of all, I love spending all of this time with my family.  Marathon training is in full swing and I feel that I'm off to a good start. 

Last June:

I didn't even break 100 miles last June.  What was I thinking?  I should have at least gone out for that last 0.3 miles to round it out. 

This June:

My highest month yet!  I do enjoy watching those numbers grow and grow.  Let's see how high they get with marathon training. 
Miles Run 2012:


I am starting to really like DailyMile for logging my runs/workouts.  But I am missing the calendar view of LogYourRun.  If only DailyMile could just add in that feature as well. 

I'm not so sure about this feature though - really?  I've burned 22 pounds since January 1st? 
I wish the DailyMile would also total my running for the year in addition to the total milage (running, biking, etc).  I do like seeing 1,074 miles - but it's quite deceiving. 

Looking back at my goals.......

My goals for June -
- kick off marathon training injury free  ---- Started!
- add in hills/speed work ----  YES!  I've done 1 track workout so far & I'm going to count the KRRT 1/2 as speed work too.  I'll be back at the track/hills next week. 
- register for/run the KRRT 1/2 Marathon --- Registered & ran it!
- do yoga on my own 2x/week --- not quite.  I just bought a Rodney Yee, Power Yoga Collection DVD and I am loving it. 
- increase bike mileage -- Not so much. 

- roll daily (so far I'm 100% on this!) - Not so much.  I rolled consistently for 2 weeks and then stopped.  Revisiting today. 

July Goals:
- continue on with marathon training
- increase biking mileage
- more yoga
- more weights
- more rolling
- finally take on trail running! 
- try to NOT eat entire bags of chips at a time (that is why I have not lost that 22 lbs)
- go to the beach as much as possible

How was your June?  Goals for July? 


  1. Looks like a great month and those miles are definitely stacking up!

  2. oooh! Where are you trail running? I have wanted to try that as well.

    1. I emailed you! It's in Augusta - at the top of the Camp Keys hill - behind the cemetary. The guys did it last summer while I had kid duty and took pictures. I was so jealous each week. I cannot wait to try it out.

  3. You did great in June! I hope you love trail running, we enjoy it!

  4. Replies
    1. It is a supportive community for workouts. Love that part!

  5. awesome job! those are some great miles all around. and really, enjoy the chips... there is no need to lose 22 lbs ;)

    1. Ha! I don't want to lose 22 lbs at all. I'm sooo happy where I am right now (fitter and weigh less than high school years!). Someday - I'll get to your level of 200+ miles! :)

  6. I am with you on those DailyMile things. I love looking at it my progress. Great job with your June! and good luck with marathon training. YAY!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to those miles piling on again. Love that feeling and all the eating that will come along with it!

  7. Awesome month! I need to roll more often, especially my gluteus ;)

    My goal is to stay healthy since I've got a ton of great races planned for the fall...

  8. I would love to hear more about the yoga DVD, I've been looking for somthing for mu summer gym break..


  9. Good for you! I have been taking it way too easy.... Only doing 3-4 mile runs. This weekend calls for a 9 miler. :) I'm excited!


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