November Recap

It's never too late to recap, right?  I've been meaning to recap this week for days now.  I've even had the post written up in my head, but then when I finally find time to sit down at my computer, I completely forget.  Perhaps I've been far too busy doing Christmas shopping on the computer instead of blog writing.

Running mileage for November: 136.

at least I'm up 20 miles from October.  Right?  

Biking mileage:  0.  Hmmm...I think it's because Ward banished my bike to the hallway.  It's boring to be out there.  

Races run:  1.  I ran the Gasping Gobbler Thanksgiving Day, with a 5k PR time of 21:24.  

Total Mileage for the year:  1476.57 miles. 
Ward's at 1542.  Ugh!  He's kicking my butt this year!

Now - here are my goals from my October Recap.  Let's see how I'm doing with them.....

Speed work - I really want to run a sub 4 hour marathon - so speed work it is. 
-  yes, I've been working on speed work.  I think that killer 5k PR is evidence of that.  

- Strengthen my core - I'm not impressed with my abs.  Meaning - I know they are there, somewhere. 
- I've been planking.  Not everyday, but most days.  I didn't keep track either.  Maybe if I logged it like log my running I'd be held accountable for it more.  

 Build my base before marathon training kicks off in January.  Right now I'm happy with anything over 30 miles a week.  My goal is to get up to 40 miles comfortably.  I just need to really work on fitting it into my schedule.  I have tons of meetings coming up in the next few months and some major life changes - so I'm hoping it works out. 
- base building is going quite well.  The next four weeks my goal mileage is between 38 - 40.  If everything works out the way I hope it will, I'll have a solid base and feel really good about it.  

- Mileage?  - I see a 1600 miles in my future? 
 It's going to be close if I hit 1600 miles.  I'm really going to have to work hard, hope for zero injuries, less meetings, and no illnesses.  BUT, looking at my overall mileage already for the year, I'm already 176.57 miles MORE than 2012.  I SHOULD be ecstatic with that.  But no, I'm not.  Am I ever happy?  Jeez.  I need to relax and just be happy with my accomplishments.  But I can't.  I need to push myself more and more.  What can I say? I'm addicted.  

I'm going to continue to work on these goals for the rest of December.  They are definitely a work in progress.  

Where's your mileage?  What are your goals?


  1. Great month... and wow, what a blazing 5k time! My bike too has been kinda banished away... and I miss it, but I've been Spinning a bunch. My goal was to hit 1500 run miles this year.... just did the math, almost there, need to avg 3.5m each day the rest of the month. We got this!

  2. That is great millage Jen! You have so much on your plate, with work, kids, running and a blog to maintain, I am in awe of what you do. I haven't check my millage this year, but I am following a new plan... the Runner's World "Run Less, Run Faster" book, it has me running only three hard runs a week! gah! I hope it works, so far I feel stronger but my knee is buggling a bit. Fingers crossed. Hope you're doing well.. xoxo

  3. You know, I've never tried to track yearly or even monthly mileage before. I think it might be fun to start doing that this next year just to really see, for fun. And that's a great 5K time! Definitely been hitting your speedwork hard ;-)

  4. I had a mileage goal of 600 miles for the year and I have already met it!
    Super exciting!
    Good job on your mileage!

  5. You've had quite a month and an exceptional year! Congratulations again on your 5K PR this last month!

  6. Great job, Jen! Keep up the great work.

    I have 54.5 more miles to go for 1,000 for the year. I'll do it but not much over that :) I hit a lot of my goals this year but some I fell short. Oh well, those are the goals for next year!

  7. An amazing year and 2013 will bring great things too, I'm sure of it!

  8. Awesome! I have big plans for my mileage once I'm cleared to run... you continue to anaze me girl! :)


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