Best Body Bootcamp Week #2

I am loving Tina Reale's Best Body Bootcamp.  The first two weeks have flown by and I'm definitely feeling stronger.  

Here's my week recap:  

Monday: 5 miles - treadmill
Tuesday: Workout A + Circuit Interval 
Wednesday: 7 miles - progression run, treadmill
Thursday: 8 miles, treadmill + Workout A + Interval Workout B
Friday: Workout C + Circuit Interval
Saturday:  4.5 miles, treadmill
Sunday: 12.3 miles, outside

Total Mileage - 37 miles (for #TeamEscapades #ChillyChallenge)

I'm finding lately I am heading for the treadmill for running.  I'm not about to run outside in the dark.  No way.  I'm a chicken.  And when it comes down to it, it's incredibly convenient for me to walk down 4 days at school and hop onto a treadmill at school.  On a good day, I can crank out 7 miles before having to head home to be there for the boys to get off the bus.  Yes, I'm missing my outside running, but I'm really enjoying wearing shorts and tanks right now while it's so darn cold outside.  

I did swap some days around a little to do workouts on my running rest days, I like to be active all days and Best Body Bootcamp is the perfect way to add in a workout each day and feel good about it.   

What did you do to be active this week?  Are you doing Best Body Bootcamp?  How about #ChillyChallenge?  I do love a challenge.  


  1. I might need to jump in on this challenge. As I mentioned on my blog I've been so lax lately. I really need to up my strength. NICE miles!!!! I think I'm only at about 37 for this MONTH! lol so lazy. I need to hit the mill more often. I don't run in the dark either. Not worth the risk.

  2. Looks like a great week ahead! I agree running in the dark (especially alone) is less appealing all the time. WORK IT GIRLIE!


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