For those of you running Sugarloaf.....

As I was running yesterday with the birds chirping, smell of spring, blue skies, and perfect temperatures - I started thinking about Sugarloaf, which is a little over 5 weeks away.  My mind wandered to the what the weather will be like.

Will it be like today?  Yes please!

Will it be hot like last year?  Soaring into the high 80s.  Oh god no!

Then it dawned on me. 
Why was I even thinking about the weather? 

It's a marathon.  
I'm running it.   
It's going to rain.  
It's going to pour.  

So there you have it.  You don't have to weather watch for Sugarloaf my dear fellow runners.  You will have a rainy day whether or not you are running the 15k or the full marathon - just dress for rain. 


  1. huh. Since it always rains on me too maybe I had better plan to come. UGH! (better than 80 though)

  2. I hate running in rain lol. But yi agree rain is better than 80s

  3. haha this is awesome. maybe it wont rain since i wont be there :) but youll probably hear me screaming all the way from portland haha

  4. You are going to have GOOD weather this year! I feel it! :)

  5. @..:danielle:.. I am positive we will hear you in Sugarloaf if it is not raining!

  6. Rain way better than heat!! Love Sugarloaf! That's a tough course:) Good for you!

  7. @Jenny @ The Little J-Bird I don't know about that! ;) Plus, I wouldn't know how to run a marathon in nice weather? How does that work?

  8. Thanks for the cheery note since I'm a first timer there! haha~

  9. At least May rain isn't cold like Fall rain. Plus it takes care of the pee on the run situation. Haha!

  10. It will at least been a warm rain...maybe! Jillieb2's brother Stu had AWFUL weather practically every race he ran...pouring rain, wind, the 900* Boston marathon. I finally told him to tell me when he was going to sign up for a race because I was going to NOT sign up!!

  11. I hope the weather is decent at least!! So exciting, it is coming up soon (just like ours, eek!)

  12. While I always love reading your posts, I don't really want to think about running this race in the rain. I do agree that it would be better than an 80 degree day though. Let's hope for a nice cool spring morning! Perhaps because you have mentioned the rain, this will be your first marathon that has zero precipitation.

  13. Good Luck! I will pray for no rain! :) I'm sure you'll rock it. I have a 10k tomorrow... First race of 2013! ack!


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