What KIND of Runner are YOU? #KindRunner

Disclaimer:  I am an ambassador for kindrunner.com.  I will be doing campaigns involving product reviews and giveaways by KindRunner.  As always, all opinions expressed on my blog are 100% my own.  

My husband calls me a shoe whore all of the time.  Inappropriate? Maybe.  True?  Perhaps.  I do have a shoe addiction.  But let's clarify.  What KIND of shoes do I have an obsession with?  Running Shoes!  I love a variety of shoes - drop, minimalist, cushioning, support, zero support.  Each shoe has a different purpose.

Running shoes are the #1 piece of gear a runner needs.  Never again will I think that any old shoe will get me through the miles.  I need to know that the shoe I buy, because they aren't cheap, is going to be a great fit for my feet and the rest of my body.  I'm not getting any younger (I wish!) and I'd love to continue to run for as long as I possibly can.  The right shoe is important so you can avoid injury and continue to run pain free.

I am not a shoe expert, nor will I ever pretend to be.  I know that if I have a question about gait, form, shoe type, that I need to ask the experts.  Unfortunately, the closest local running store is about 30 miles away.  It's not that far, but it's far enough to be inconvenient when my time is already packed with working, training, and being a mom and wife.  Plus, when I do have a free moment to get to the store, I do not have the luxury of going there alone.  I'm usually with the kids and while they are really good kids, they still drive me crazy when we going into the running store.  They feel the need to touch all of the gear, fuel, shoes.  It's quite hard to concentrate when I'm worried about what they are going to do next.

Which is why I'm excited about Kindrunner.com and their website launch on June 1st.

Some facts about Kindrunner:
- You will get the expert shoe advice through the convenience of online.
- Kindrunner is comprised of a group of runners who have a combined 40+ years working in the industry and are passionate about what they do.
- It is the ONLY place on the internet where runners can trade in their old running shoes for new shoes, you'll receive 'Kindness Cash Rewards" for every pair you send in.
- The "old" shoes you send in will be donated to Soles 4 Souls and the More Foundation - where people in need will be given the shoes rather than filling up our landfills with old shoes.

Don't believe it?  Check out this video!

Follow Kindrunner on facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube and be on the lookout for some pre-launch giveaways!


  1. that sounds like a really great thing.. I have so many shoes and I bet there are more than a few I could get rid of.

  2. I love the idea of sending in your old shoes and getting credit for them. I keep a few old pairs around for yard work and such, but I never know what to do with the other ones!

  3. Happy to be a Kindrunner ambassador with you Jen! I am so excited for this. I can't wait for the launch!

  4. What a wonderful idea. Heading over to Facebook now so I don't miss the launch. If you need a KindRunner in Florida I'd love to help any way I can. GoSpeedieGo.com


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