Happy New Year!

Bring on 2014!!!  

My goals for the year: 
- make strength training part of my regular routine
- practicing yoga 
- eat cleaner (more coming on this!)
- run and have fun
- be active every single day
- try new things! ... like my 1st tri

I thought about setting a mileage goal...like run the year - 2014 miles for 2014.  But I'm not really sure I can/want to commit to that.  It is such a huge goal.  I'm impressed with the runners out there who are taking that on!

Speaking of mileage - I should share my 2013 mileage!

Miles run - 1352
Miles biked - 600

Not too bad considering I was injured for a pretty large part of it.  

Lately, I've been enjoying trying something new.  Snowshoe running.  I don't have fancy running snowshoes.  But I did read up on running snowshoes and saw that they are usually about 21 inches in length.  My regular ones are 25 inches in length and Izzy's are 19 inches.  So I thought I'd use Izzy's.  Make's sense, right? 

Since we've had the pleasure of getting a ton of snow - with more on the way, I thought I should embrace what we have rather than fight it or be pissy about it.  Healthier - right?  I don't always have the chance to get to the gym and we have this great 6 acre lot that I should use.  On a whim two days ago, I decided I would try out snowshoe running.  The first 1/4 mile was TOUGH.  I had to make a trail.  Some spots had only a few inches and others had over 20 inches - thanks to snow drifts in the field.  Plus, Pepper joined me and she was overly excited.  Either she was in front of me - and would stop or she was behind me stepping on my snowshoes! 

But after my trail was completed - it was so much better!  I stayed away from going into the woods because the ice and snow falling from the trees made me a bit nervous...which resulted in a little shorter loop - but 1 loop = 0.33 miles.  So, 3 loops plus a little bit = 1 mile.  

I am trying out the new Under Armour Armour 39 Heart Rate monitor as part of a FitFluential Campaign.   The only bummer about the Armour 39 is that it's not compatible with my iPhone 4.  It's only compatible for 4s and above.  BUT, it IS compatible with the iPad mini and Ward just bought one - so now I'm taking over his iPad for workouts.  Thanks Ward! 

Yesterday I decided I would try for 2 miles.  And I did it!  It definitely was tough and my average intensity of 74% and WillPower of 6.91 shows it.  

Then I thought I'd try out the same distance on the road.  I'm not sure why the intensity didn't show up on this screen shot, but it was 44% and the WillPower of 3.7.  

Maybe I DO see more snowshoe running in my future!  It's super accessible for me and the kids can either play outside while I'm doing it or hang out inside.  Granted it takes a bit more time for me to complete 1 mile (16ish minutes), but I'm getting one heck of a workout!!!

I'm looking forward to what 2014 will bring me and my family.  I'm looking forward to trying new things and becoming a stronger, better person.  

I'm going to head out for some miles today.  I still haven't decided how many yet or how I'm going to do them yet.  But I know I am going to run.  Wow, I'm liking this new, relaxed, joyful approach to running.  Far less stressful and enjoyable!

How are you starting off the new year?  What are your goals/resolutions for the year?  


  1. Glad you are having success running in the snow:) Great goals! My goals are to just be more consistent with my runs/workouts/eating. I also want to put in more effort in marketing my business:) Here's to an awesome 2014!

  2. snowshoe running sounds fun, my little sister was going to send me her snowshoes but she keeps forgetting. and we have a lot of snow this year. Still working on my goals, but they involve yoga, strength training, and hopefully some running injury free,

  3. Our mileage is about the same in 2013 and I was not even injured so you did great! Your goals are great and I think I should add them to mine! Those are really important! Have a great 2014!

  4. uuumm what does the will power part mean?

  5. Hi Lara!!! Great question - this is from the Under Armour Website... ;)

  6. The banner at the top of your blog where you're running on the beach makes me want to hang out with you. The pictures in the snow make me shudder! You're a hearty soul!

  7. Ah-ha, I thought it might have been your perceived effort that you had entered.


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