
Marcia at Marcia's Healthy Slice had a "Currently" post last week.   I love her posts like these, so here's my shot at what is currently going on.  

Books:   I'm not a big reader.  Sometimes a book will suck me in, but that has only happened on a few rare occasions.  Right now .... there are zero books on my bedside table.  

Running Path: Well, like Marcia, I've spend a lot of time on the treadmill.  But when I do get outside, I have an 8 mile loop that I really like.  Last weekend, we had a miraculous 42F, sunny day, so I got out there in my shorts and had a blast!  

Non-Running Workout. When I'm not running, I do enjoy doing DVDs.  I also really like getting on my indoor bike, up in the hallway, and watching movies/catching up on Facebook while I cycle away.  

Drink.  Lately I've been on a major smoothie kick.  It's how I start every morning.  Well, that and two coffees.  

Excitement: I am beyond excited for summer.  Not only will it be summer.  Which is a no brainer for me.  Yay for being a teacher!  But it will mark the end of daycare expenses forever.  AND I'll be starting a summer track program!  When we're not doing track, the kids and I will be at the beach.  

Garden item. I so want to start seeds.  I really do.  It's killing me that I haven't done it.  But we just rescued 3 cats.   There are no safe places in my house where they won't terrorize my plants, dig them up, or worse, use them as a litter box.  Of course, I'm speaking from a past experience with another naughty kitty.   I'm more than likely just going to purchase tomato seedlings and plant seeds directly in the garden.  If the snow ever melts.  

I didn't do early planting last year, and this was one of my hauls.  I think I did pretty well! 

TV.  Downton Abbey.  Ward got me hooked on it and now I cannot stop.  BUT the season ended last week, so I am feeling a little lost right now.   Any suggestions for a gal with basic cable?  
Indulgence. Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream cake from my birthday.  The bad news is that I had too many slices.  The good news is that it is gone.  And there won't be another one of those in my house until next February.  
Website: Pinterest.  I still freaking love that site.  Workouts, recipes, outfits.  You name it.  Even lesson planning ideas.  Love it.  
Pet Peeve.  I have many lately.   It really frustrates me to see friends openly poke fun at myself or others in social media.  Perhaps I'm a little too sensitive lately, but I find it rather rude and hurtful.  Especially when I thought those people were my friends.   I also really, really hate it when I'm running on the treadmill - and someone will get on the one next to me (while there are still 8 other available ones), change the tv, turn off the fan, or close the window.  
Mood. Completely overwhelmed.  That's not a mood, I know.  But it's how I feel.  Ward's work schedule is horrible.  Add that to his grueling marathon training which means we don't see him a lot and I am basically a single parent - running the kids all around to their events, working at the gym, and trying to get in my running.   I try like hell to stay positive about it and be thankful that it's not worse.  But sometimes it just beats me down.  


  1. "friends openly poking fun at you on social media" = not friends. This has been an issue for me as well, Jen. It's hard when you put yourself out there with the intention of being a role model or inspiring people and it comes back to bite you. I've been told to "grow a thicker skin," Well..people wouldn't need a thicker skin if other learned that some opinions are meant to be kept to yourself and not broadcast where everyone can see them. My husband and I discuss it all the time. I always ask him if it's just me or are people getting ruder. He thinks it's easy for people to hide behind the computer and just say anything, thinking they are free from consequence.

    RE: Overwhelmed. I feel the same way and I don't even have kids yet! My mantra is that it will be the end of the school year go by faster to have a crazy schedule now! You can do it!

  2. Ahhh summer...feels like a million years away as we sit here getting dumped on....again....for literally the 47th time this winter. I loved when I had to stop making those preschool tuition payments....loved it.

  3. Oh I hate to hear that about "friends" doing that to you. Not friends!! Hope things improve for your mood. We all have those ups and downs, maybe when the weather starts to improve (hello summer) your mood will too ;-)

  4. Leah @ Running with the HaynesMarch 5, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    Awww, your cats are cute! Do they all get along? We rescued a cat this summer, and the cat that we already had did NOT like the newcomer. They've gotten better now, but still have almost daily spats.

    I LOVE gardening!! I have a vegetable and flower gardens that occupy my every spare moment during the growing season. I used to start a TON of seeds early, but now I mainly just do tomatoes and a few different kinds of annuals.

  5. Would that have been the reason for the fb change? :) I'm really sorry it happened to you as well. I'm considering cleaning out "friends" because I really just don't care for drama nor do I have time for it. I teach in a hs and have enough of it here. It's rather annoying. I have be told the same thing "grow thicker skin". But really? I'm so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed as well. Life is one big whirlwind lately! It's bound to slow down, right? Please!!!

  6. Another snowstorm!!!! Ugh. I woke up to see a dusting on the ground this morning and it nearly sent me into meltdown mode. :( I've since gotten over it. I'm just tired of snow/ice/freezing temps in general.

  7. Oh my mood will improve. I have no doubt there. Thanks, sweetie!!!

  8. These three came together and get a long pretty well. A spat once in a while, but nothing major. They are terrors though!!! But they were marked as barn cats, so I should expect terrors anyway! They'll be heading outside shortly. They are just inside for now due to the extreme coldness we've had. Then maybe they'll be naughty outside and maybe if they decided to come back in, they'll be better behaved. But, as I write that, I seriously doubt it. :)

    Awesome on the gardening. I really enjoy it. It's therapeutic to hang out in my gardens - I have three. And just work on them. LOVE it!!!! And the kids really love helping as well!

  9. It wasn't me, was it? But I do know exactly what you're talking about. I can not wait for summer and the beach. Yes, please!

  10. I am SO ready for summer, even spring at this point! I'm done with winter! And your kitties are so cute sitting there together!


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