Every Move Counts

Looking for a little motivation to get moving?  Love apps?  Motivating others? Earning rewards?  
Then you should really check out EveryMove.  As a FitApproach Ambassador, I was able to review the EveryMove app recently.  

EveryMove connects with other apps and devices, for example:  

or you can manually add your information.  You get the choice.  I have the following apps linked to mine:  

For each activity you log, you earn points. 

This is just a sampling of the activities you can choose from.  There are many more!  Then the points start stacking up:  

Points?  Points toward some pretty cool rewards.  Some companies listed in the rewards section even sponsors charity donations on your behalf.  I like that!   I just wish I'd earn something really for free.  I guess I need to get to a higher level?  

I am really liking the ease of EveryMove.  It's not some fitness app that consumes your day.  It automatically takes your activities you've completed and turns them into points.  EveryMove even has a leaderboard, to show where you stand against your "friends" - just a little friendly competition.   

You can download EveryMove for FREE! on iTunes or Google Play. If you download it, tell me what you think about it?    


  1. YES!! love this as it totally fits with the #wycwyc mentality.

  2. Krysten @darwinianfailJuly 16, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    OH I love this idea!!! What a great motivator!

  3. I just downloaded it and am really liking it so far! I have earned some rewards like percentages off of certain items but nothing free yet!

  4. Looks like a cool app. Glad you had a chance to test it out for all of us.

  5. I been a member for a while but I love now with #sweatpink I get to support my ladies


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