1 Voice Headband Review + Discount Code

Friday is always my favorite day of the (work) week.  Today wasn't necessarily my most favorite Friday - it was a teacher workshop day.  I'd rather teach any day of the week.  Today's task was to analyze the new state required test our juniors will be taking this spring.  I don't usually talk about my professional opinions on here - but to say I'm not impressed with this test is a complete understatement.    

But let's turn this around and make it more positive.... like running!  Not a stupid test that will be replaced soon.  
Earbud wires are not my friend.  I hate the dangling wires swaying around.  If I do bring music with me, I use my iPod shuffle and tuck the wire under my shirt. It doesn't always keep the cord from swinging around, but it's better than a cord flinging out my arm!  But now I have a brand new workout buddy....it's the 1 Voice headband.  

1 Voice headband has built-in bluetooth earbuds - so I don't have the cord swinging around.  Huge plus.    Now I don't have to bring along my shuffle, my phone, corded earbuds, and a separate headband.  I've just cut down my list of running items:  phone and headband (with earbuds attached). How do you like the sound of that?  Get it? Sound? Music?  I crack myself up.  

Not only does the bluetooth earbuds make it easier to listen to your favorite music while you run, you also get great sound quality from the earbuds!  And the headband?  It's simple and black.  Which I love.  There is something to be said about simple.  It matches everything.  And it doesn't slip around and it helps to wick sweat.  Even better!  Check out this video!

1 Voice headbands retail for $59.00, but with the code, B1V40, you save 40% and get free shipping!  (Which means you pay $35.40!)  How about that for a great deal?  

Do you run with music?  What's your favorite running song?  I've been loving listening to Meghan Trainor lately!  

Disclosure: I was provided a 1 Voice headband for the purpose of a review.  I was not required to give a positive review.  As always, all opinions expressed on my blog are 100% my own.  


  1. I don't usually wear ear buds when I run because they never stay but this looks like it might work! Thanks so much for sharing, definitely going to check it out!

  2. I think because the cord is coming from above...maybe they'll stay? I hope so!!!


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