TastyTUESDAY with TastyWHEY

It's no secret, I have a huge love of peanut butter and chocolate.  That combination just makes everything in the world seem better and tastier.  Imagine my surprise when a huge container of Adaptogen's TastyWHEYcame to my doorstep and the flavor was..... Chocolate Peanut Butter!  

I try to stay away from milkshakes, because they are so high in fat and so many calories.  But when I do, I get a peanut butter milkshake.  Now I have a better and healthier option when the kids want to go to the ice cream stand.  I can mix up some of my TastyWHEY and drink that instead!  It tastes THAT good!  It doesn't have that chalky protein taste so many other powders have. 

I've actually been drinking my TastyWHEY every day for lunch instead.  Not only is it super convenient, it's delicious.  AND it's packed with 20 grams of protein (and only 160 calories).   I usually pour my coconut/almond milk into the shaker cup in the morning, put a scoop of Adaptogen Science into the small plastic container and lunch has been prepared.   I then add a bunch of fruit to the lunch bag and I'm good to go!  I feel like I'm drinking a chocolate and peanut butter shake everyday and I can catch up with emails and grading during lunch time.  A win win in my book!  

A little more about TastyWHEY is that it contains high quality whey protein, MCT's, low glycemic index carbohydrates, and micronutrients.  TastyWHEY does contain milk and soy.  Check out the Adaptogen Science page and tell me which flavors you would try?  Do you like to get creative with your protein powders? or do you like to just mix it with water/milk and enjoy?  

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Adaptogen Science.


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