Bye Bye Calluses!

8 more school days until SUMMER!  I'm not excited by this at all.  

there's going to be a lot of this.....which does a lot of damage to my feet!

As the snow melted and the mud pit of my driveway dried up, out came the flip flops.  But first I had to do a few things to not scare everyone.  First - put some nail polish on those ugly nails.  I have thick nails and some black nails.  No one really wants to see them.  That was the easy part.  

The second part is always the hard part.  And I usually go to someone for a pedicure because it takes me forever with a little callus remover --- the old school cheese grater looking thing.  That never really did much for the seriously ugly and huge calluses I grow.

gross....I know.  sorry!
Ward always said "you need a sanding belt for those things".  Yep.  He's right.  But then I received the  invitation to try out the Micro-Pedi by Emjoi.  As soon as it came, I freed those ugly calluses....and started working.  My mini-belt sander ... I mean Micro-Pedi by Emjoi worked like a charm!  It took on those calluses like a champ.  

And for a huge fraction of the cost of going to get a pedicure.  (retails for $39.95) The Micro-Pedi by Emjoi works best with dry don't do it just after you shower.  Shower afterwards to get all of the dead skin removed!

The Micro-Pedi works amazing!  The mineral roller is actually a stone that spins 30 times per second.  It painlessly removes dead, dry, gross, callused skin to give you a more soft and supple feel.  And it's completely safe to use!  I love this new gadget!!!  

Now I have more tolerable, less embarrassing toes I can now expose and not feel so self-conscious about.   Now I just need to touch up my toe nail polish! 

disclaimer:  I was sent a Micro-Pedi to review.  I was not required to write a positive review.  As always, all opinions expressed on my blog are 100% my own.  


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