Motivation Monday

It's a good day!  It's Monday.  The start to a new week.  Time for new opportunities.  Time to get moving!!!!  

What is motivating you to move today and everyday?  For me, a healthier and happier Jen is my motivation.  Also - being with these two little beautiful kiddos and my loving husband - drives me to be more motivated than ever to be happy and healthy.  

My running hasn't been what it was pre-marathon - because, well, I was training for a marathon then...and I'm not right now!  BUT, I'm running.  I'm running 5 days a week for my health.  For my sanity.  Our family is in the midst of a medical issue (I will share more when I'm ready and when I have more information - right now we're just waiting, which is driving me absolutely crazy!).  Running has been my saving grace right now.  I am forever thankful for running.  

One new running gear item I've been trying out is the XG4 insole.  At first glance, I was thinking "no way will that feel good in my shoes".  I'm happy to say, I was wrong!  So wrong!

My thoughts is that they added a certain bit of arch support and a little extra cushion.  I almost felt like there were springs in my shoes, which I know there were not.  They fit my shoes perfectly as well!  

I invite you to head over to the ROAR Athletic Performance Kickstarter page to check out the video and see if you would like to support this Kickstarter.  With so many running products in today's market, it's hard to decide which ones to like or support, but I feel that this one is a great product that I would love to see be successful!  

What motivates YOU to move?  

disclaimer: I was sent a pair of insoles to review.  I was not required to post a positive review.  As always, the opinions I express on my blog are 100% my own.  


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