Smoothies Smoothies Everywhere!

I seriously love smoothies!  They are what gets me through each and every single day.  To me, a smoothie is the best way to cram all of the nutrients into one, convenient serving that will fuel me for breakfast or lunch!  I've been doing two smoothies a day since the fall.

It's almost like Manitoba Harvest had me in mind when they made their newest Hemp Protein Smoothie mixes.  A creamy blend of HempPro 70 protein powder with organic harvest greens (organic spinach, kale and broccoli).  

Each 30 gram serving contains 15 grams of plant-based protein and is slightly sweetened with organic coconut sugar.  

And the flavors?   Mixed Berry, Vanilla Chai, and Chocolate.  A great variety and ALL delicious.  

Lunch?  If it weren't for a shaker bottle, and protein powders, and almond or cashew milk... this girl would be hungry!  My lunch literally takes me seconds to make.  Scoop in my Hemp Protein Smoothie powder into a shaker bottle I already put cashew milk in....shake and drink!  Yum!

This 2 min breakfast works perfectly for me!  Add some cashew mix, 4 scoops of Hemp Protein Smoothie, top with some fruit and blend.  Then drink on the go.  Full of nutrients.  Full of flavor.  And SO EASY!  

Nutrition on the go!  And filling.  Yeah, I forgot to mention that.  But these mixes filled me up.   No starvation by 9 am.  I was perfectly satisfied until 11 (which is my lunch time) every day!  

Looking to try out Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein Smoothie mixes - head on over to Manitoba Harvest and load up your cart, use hempsmoothielaunch16 for 15% off until 4/30/16.  

And if you want to get active with the Manitoba Harvest contest - go ahead and snap some pics of you enjoying your smoothies and share, share, share on social media using #hempproteinsmoothie and tag Manitoba Harvest for your chance to win a case of your favorite Hemp Protein Smoothie mix! 

disclosure:  I reviewed Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein Smoothie mix due to my FitApproach affiliation.  I was not required to write a positive review.  As always, all opinions expressed on my blog are 100% my own.  


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