From Here. For Here.

Whenever we leave the state, crossing the Piscataqua Bridge and
seeing this sign always makes me smile.

Maine.  The Way Life Should Be.
I've been hearing this for almost as long as I can remember.  Way before my parents moved us to Maine in 1990, they brought us up to Maine to vacation.  Every summer we spent a week in Maine.  

My parents moved us to Maine in 1990 and it was definitely one of the best decisions ever.  I've been living her for over 26 years now, and I am quite proud to call the State of Maine my home.  And I'm even happier that Ward and I are raising our children here.  

When I think about what I love most about Maine, I think about the natural beauty of our state.  You do not have to drive far to be able to see and experience the views Maine has to offer.  

We have water.  Lots of fresh, clean, water.   We have beaches along the Atlantic Ocean and many ponds, lakes and rivers. 

Fall 2015, Wells Beach
You can simply take in the views of the water, or experience the water with some stand up paddle boarding, kayaking, fishing.  Or you can go for a beautiful run on the beach with some friends and take in the beauty. 

Fall 2015, at Rise.Run.Retreat at Wells Beach, Wells, Maine

I'm proud to say I'm from Maine.  When I think of Maine, many great companies come to mind...but one stands out above all the rest.  Poland Spring® Brand 100% Natural Spring Water.

Since 1845, Poland Spring®  has been sourced from several, carefully selected, natural springs in Maine and is available throughout the Northeast.   From the spring to the bottle, Poland Spring works hard to ensure that every drop is up to par.

I know when I find myself purchasing water from the grocery store, I can trust that I'm buying a natural water from a trusted company that will not only taste fresh and clean, I am also confident it's safe for my family.

So what does it mean to me to be from Poland Spring® County?  It means that I am raising my family in a clean and beautiful area where we can enjoy outdoor activities year round.

Do you live in Maine?   Share with me what it means to you to be from #PolandSpringCountry.

And if you don't live in Maine, have you visited Maine?  Where was your favorite place to visit?  Join the conversation with Poland Spring® on Facebook, Twitter, or on Instagram.  

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Poland Spring®Brand 100% Natural Spring Water. The opinions and text are all mine.


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