Why I Hired A Coach

All summer long I have been training for two marathon this fall.  I seriously love fall marathons.  For me, the time commitment for a fall marathon is so much more manageable.  Most of my long runs are done during the summer, when I have a ton more time to dedicate to a plan.    I've tried numerous plans over the past few years (Hanson and Higdon) and then copying Ward's training plans.    While I do coach other runners... I just need someone to coach ME and tell ME what to do.  Otherwise, I seem to drive myself crazy second guessing myself.  

I thought my coach was crazy when she gave me the workout to run Winthrop Street 5 times.  
But I did it! And felt great accomplishing that task!  

This fall I want to go for that PR, perhaps even a BQ?   Since I am married to a (in my opinion) a pretty awesome runner who happens to BQ just about every time he runs a marathon, I initially wanted him to train me... or pace me.  But he said no.  Which I 100% understand.  It would probably take all of one week before we exchanged heated words.  He told me to hire a coach, so I did!   

Ward and I usually do not run together.....  it's only once in a while.  

I reached out to a few coaches, all of whom are fabulous runners.  But then decided to go with my friend Amy Lawson at KVC.   I've always been in awe of her enthusiasm and sense of humor.  Not to mention, she's a pretty fantastic runner and Ironman!  If you live in my area,  you should definitely look her up.   

I've loved having a coach this marathon cycle!  She sends me a new plan every Tuesday morning and we communicate weekly about paces/strength/goals.  I don't know why I haven't hired a coach before!    

while I love my husband, I love running with Amy (and Gretchen) so much more!    

Anyway, this past week, I had some pain and swelling on the inside of my ankle.  Immediately I went to Amy about it.  She told me to rest.   Having someone else tell me to rest makes it a lot easier to do it especially when you're so worried about not getting in all of the runs.     

After a few days of rest, I am feeling far better and much more ready to take on the last two weeks of training before DeMar!   

I will definitely continue with Amy after I complete DeMar and NYCM!         


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