The 1st Family Turkey Run

Well, that's what I'm calling it anyway.  The original plan (before the 2nd holiday snow storm came to Maine) was for all 8 of us to meet on the rail trail and go out for our 1st Family 5K.  The boys were going to ride their bikes, the girls were going in the joggers and we were just going to run.   BUT, we were smothered with at least 10 inches of snow yesterday and it's not melting anytime soon.  Let's just say that bike riding and joggers are kind of out of the question right now.

snow, already?  seriously?  ugh.  

SO....change of plans.  

We decided we would go out for our runs in two different groups:  1st Ward & Wade went out for their run, while Jill & I had kid duty.  Wade was the definite winner in the guy run as he made a mad dash through the snow to get to the door first.

The 1st 5k of the run was dedicated to Daily Vitamin F's Virtual Thanksgiving 5k!  Thank you, Kiley, for putting this race on.  Love the bibs.  

Scout really wanted to be in the picture!

Then Jill & I went out for our run.  We actually ran a total of 4 miles.   The sun was shining and the temperature was about 25 degrees.  It was actually a great day for a run.  The side roads were a bit icy and crunchy, but we stayed mostly on main roads and they were basically clear.    

5K time: 29:02/ 4 mile time: 37:30.   

No PR's for either one of us today, but I'm thankful for the run anyway.  It felt awesome getting out for a run with my sister-in-law this morning.  

I even added today's bib to my "race wall" - I really need to do something about that wall to make it look neater

After the run, I came home and whipped up a pumpkin smoothie.  YUM!  

1/2 cup pumpkin, 1 cup greek yogurt, a splash of vanilla soy milk, sprinkle of cinnamon sugar

I need to share with you something adorable - Pilgrim Hat Cookies.  

Super easy (thank you, Christine, for the idea) - Keebler Fudge Striped Cookies flipped over, melt milk chocolate, dip marshmallows, set on cookie, let it "set", then pipe on some yellow frosting for the buckle.  

yes - he has chocolate between his eyes - no clue how he got it there!!!

I think she's giving me the finger?  

They were a big hit yesterday with the kids.  Hopefully the Thanksgiving Dinner guests we have coming over today enjoy them too!  (if there any left!)  

Before I go finish prepping dinner (we're eating at 5 tonight because poor Ward has to work today), I'm going to share what I'm thankful for:
- Ward, Tucker & Izzy
- family
- our health 
- having a home
- having lots of fire wood in the basement
- being employed and actually liking my job (most days)
- great running buddies 
- yoga
- that the chickens decided to start laying eggs again

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. Sounds like a perfect day, even with the snow :-) Happy thanksgiving to you & your family xx

  2. I love how you pinned the virtual race bibs on for your runs! I'll have to remember that for the next holiday run. Your pumpkin smoothie looks amazing! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Love the snow pic (I'm in AZ). :) Also the family virtual 5k sounds awesome, love the bibs. :)

  4. What a perfect day! Glad you guys had such a great Thanksgiving!


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