Woah Nelly!

Can you say I.C.Y.? 

The foot of snow we got on Wednesday was enough, but we’ve have some pretty nice 50 degree days, which = melting.  Not bad, but then the temps have been dropping down in the 20’s at night, which = freezing.  Put that together and we get one icy, crazy 10 mile run this morning.  Running on ice changes my entire form and throws me off – especially for the first few runs.  The girls and I had some great spots and a clear path on the rail trail and then some parts that were so bad we just “skated” through them, bracing ourselves to not fall.  By mile 9, I looked at Jill and said “my ass hurts”.  I came home, showered, took some ibuprophen and pulled on my Aspaeris compression shorts.  They are definitely what my glutes and hamstrings need after this morning’s challenge of a run.

After the run, I went in the woods with the kids and my brother-in-law to cut down a Christmas Tree.   You see, we are lucky like that.  My in-laws own the land across the street and fortunately there is a pretty good selection of trees over there free for the cutting.  Well, for us anyway.  In all honesty, Wade cut the trees down and I hung out with the kids and took pictures.  (Thank you, Wade!). 

The tree isn’t perfect, but I love trees with character.  (and free)

I have some incredible news to share with you all.  On Friday I found out that I was selected to be one of the newest FitFluential Ambassadors. 

Just in case you don’t know what FitFluential is, it’s a growing family of fitness fanatics spreading a positive healthy message year-round. 

I cannot wait to see where this new road leads me. 

And (while not as exciting as the FitFluential news) but still cool, I received my winnings from Running Diva Mom on Wednesday.

Hint Water is actually pretty tasty.  It doesn't have a strong flavor to it at all, which I like.  I do have to say, it tastes way better when ice cold.  My favorite was the Pomegranate Tangerine.  Too bad it's not sold locally.

Can you believe it’s Sunday night already?  While I love sitting down watching the Patriots with the husband, I am dreading going back to school tomorrow.  Is it sad that I’ve counted out how many days we have until summer?  117 more days. Pathetic.  I know.  


  1. Cool beans about the Fit Fluential thing, I just heard about that today some where else. Thanks SO much for your response about your asthma, I guess I'll encourage him to continue running but just start small. Great advice. :) Jessica


  2. Wow, looks like a great overall weekend for you! Congrats on FitFluential - it's very exciting to be a part of it!

  3. Congrats, fellow Maine ambassador! Yeay! And what a great snowy weekend with the tree and all!

  4. I LOOOOVE Texas but miss the snow of my east coast home :)

  5. Don't feel guilty about counting down the days until summer. My husband is a teacher too and he was just saying counting down the days until Christmas break and then again until summer. I guess it's just something teachers do. Great pictures by the way! www.dashingdiva.net

  6. I love your tree! :) Congrats on the Fit Fluential. Well deserved :)

  7. Love all the pictures of the tree! Congrats on FitFluential!

  8. Whoah, I can't believe you already have that much snow and ice…and that you did a 10 miler in it! Congrats on FitFluential - I just got accepted too!!!

  9. Congrats on being a FitFluential Ambassador! Woohoo :)


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