Goodbye 2011 & Challenges

and hello to 1300 miles!  

I did it.  In the pouring/freezing rain.  But I did it!!!  

photo courtesy of Tucker

I did wait a little while to go out for my run because this is how the guys looked after their 14 miler this morning.

What looks like just a wet jacket, is really ice!

What are your goals for the 2012?   

I have a few in mind for myself. 
- remain active, healthy and injury free
- challenge myself 
- train for/complete a tri
- curb the swearing - Izzy is a little parrot 

A few ways to keep myself motivated to stay active - 

in Belgrade, Maine (if you're in the area)

By riding my new (to me) bike - 

Like it?  Izzy surely does.  I just bought it via craigslist yesterday!  
Try to ignore the mess in the picture.   Now we just need a place for it to call home.  I vote the living room so I can bike and watch tv.  Ward votes bedroom.  
Just wait until I'm riding at 4:30 am right beside his head.  He'll change his mind quickly.  


host my very own January Challenge - the January Streak!  

Historically, January is the coldest month in Maine and let's be honest, it is incredibly hard to get outside and get your run on when all you want to do is curl up by the woodstove (or whatever heat source you have) with a cup of hot cocoa.  

I challenge you to run everyday in January, even if it's only a mile.  Especially on those days when you would think "it's too cold" and just show mother nature that whatever cold weather she throws your way, it's not going to stop you!  

Now, I don't want you to do anything dangerous.  I mean, the weather has dipped to -25F (or so) here in January of 2009, and I'm not so sure I'd want to run in that extreme cold or if it's even safe to run in those temps.  I would like to note that I did not run on that day in 2009 as I was 1 week from my c-section date - but Ward did.  He's a freak.  Also, think about the windchill too.  While the thermometer says one thing, the wind can absolutely make it far worse.  Just be safe!  

Prize?  It's in the works.  How lame is this?  I don't even have it ready yet.   I'm putting together a goodie collection of some of my favorite winter running gear along with some of my other favorites.  I will post pictures soon.  I promise.  

How to enter:
1.  Mandatory:  be a follower via GFC  and keep some type of running log proving you ran every day in the month of January 2012 to submit to me between the dates of February 1-4 at runningwiththegirls AT gmail DOT com.  
2.  Bonus Entry:  Take a picture of you in your winter gear, and a thermometer on the coldest day you ran in January and send it to me at the email above between February 1-4.  I want to see what defines "cold" for your area and what you're wearing this winter!  

The winner will be chosen at random using and will be announced here on this blog on February 5th, 2012.  The winner will have 72 hours to respond via email.  If the original winner does not respond, I will choose a new winner on February 9th.  


  1. Nice job getting out there and running. I have to confess I wussed out. The wind is so bad today with 40 mph gusts. I did an hour on the elliptical and a HIIT workout instead. I am going to have to do a virtual race tomorrow though and start the year off right!

    happy New Year!

  2. Running in that weather .... you lot are bonkers ..... in the nicest possibly way ;-)
    I just know I'm not ready to run 31 days straight so will bow out of your January streak, I have promised myself a haircut if I can stick 100% to my marathon training though.

  3. As much as I would love to do your challenge, I'm not the type of person who should run everyday. Hopefully in the future!

    I'm doing some of the same virtual runs as you!

  4. Oh darn! I was hoping for some takers! Perhaps I should revise the challenge to read "something active each day of January?"

    Happy New Years Everyone!

  5. I'm so in! This will definitely be a challenge for me, but I'm off to a good start!

  6. Congratulations on reaching your goal! I would love to participate in the challenge, but I am starting Half Marathon training in a week or so and I don't want to push it! But good luck to you in those colder temps!

  7. Super pumped you are in too!!!

  8. Awesome! I'm definitely in :)

  9. Hello fellow Tough Chik! Congrats on reaching 1300 miles!


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