The Yummiest Lotion

A few years ago, Jill and I took an adult education class at our local high school to learn how to make all-natural products.  Some of the great things we learned how to make were bath fizzies, lotions, and body scrubs.  These things are surprisingly simple and very inexpensive to make.  Plus, they make incredible gifts.  Jill and I decided that this year we would get together and make lotions for our running girls and our teacher friends.  Three hours of lotion making = lots of fun with Jill and 47 jelly jars filled with yummy lotion.    There are online universities that offer entrepreneurship programs if you're interested in business ventures like this.
Straight from my class notes.  I'm a nerd like that and kept all of my notes in a cute little notebook.  

You can use just about any type of solid/liquid oil combinations here.  
We chose to use 3 oz of coconut oil with 6 oz of canola oil.  
 Our super advanced method of melting the beeswax in the coconut oil and canola.  

Next up was heating the water, just enough to get to body temperature.  
Then we had to wait until the wax/oil mixture cooled to body temperature.  That part took forever.  We finally figured it out that if we took the wax/oil mixture to a cooler room in the house, they would cool off much faster than in the hot kitchen with the stove going and the wood stove cranking out some incredible heat.  

We chose to use 4 oz jelly jars, but you could use just about any size jar - plastic or glass.  
The 4 oz jelly jars were fairly inexpensive and were found at a local hardware store which meant they were readily available. 

Jill mixed the oil/wax mixture with water and you get this creamy lotion.  

We also added this Allantoin.  We couldn't remember why we had it, but a quick internet search came up with this about it:
  • For the temporary protection of minor cuts, scrapes, burns and sunburn.
  • Helps prevent and temporarily protects chafed, chapped, cracked, or wind burned skin and lips.
  • Relieves dryness and softens cold sores and fever blisters
  • Helps treat and prevent diaper rash. Protects chafed skin/minor skin irritation due to/associated with diaper rash and helps protect from/seal out wetness.  source

Sounded good to us, so we added it in.    

Next up, add in your scent.  We had plenty to choose from, but went with Toasted Coconut Oil, 
Oatmeal Milk & Honey, Coconut Lime Verbena, Energy (a very orangey type of smell), 
and then Grapefruit and Pink Sugar.  

And to get the oil into the lotion, we used these little pipettes.  
Using at least 30 drops of fragrance oil for each batch of lotion.  

Then we topped each of the jars with a little Christmas Embellishment.

And labeled each jar.

And there you have it, our collection of yummy lotions.  


  1. Cool. I cheated this year. I chipped in on a group gift for my son's teacher and I sent my daughter's teacher a gift basket I bought on clearance last year.

  2. Looks fun! So fun that I hate to deprive you of the fun. So go ahead, make all this, then send it my way. Yup! Too nice of me. KymberlyFunFit fellow FFA

  3. Thanks for the "recipe". I am going to try this. Where did you find the oil?

  4. This looks like an awesome gift! I'm definitely going to steal this idea. (at least I told you)

  5. Jill sounds pretty awesome! You're pretty lucky to know her.

  6. Fun! I would love to try to make my own lotion sometime.


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