I’m A Stress Eater

There you have it.  I eat when I’m stressed.  A lot.  Mostly chips.  I am lacking the shut off valve when it comes to them.  If I have an extra large bag of chips, I will mindlessly eat the entire bag.    Add that to the fact that I’m not running a lot lately and you’ll see that it’s not a good combination.

I’ve gained weight.
My clothes don’t fit the way I want them to, which makes me grouchy. 
I need a change.  A major change.   

What’s a girl to do?  First and foremost, I am going to journal what I eat beginning TODAY!  That was the best way for me to keep track of what I put in my mouth.  I’m not going to get any fancy apps to track what I eat either.  I’m going to do it with an old fashioned paper and pencil, in a notebook.  

 This is going to hold me accountable.  

I am also going to eat clean.  I have a great new book written by fellow FitFluential, Angela, to read tonight and this weekend with some fabulous, easy recipes in it.  Don’t worry, I will share my review with you next week.  I'm very excited by this.  Just glancing through the recipes, I know I'm going to love them!  
In addition, while I’m easing back into running, I’m going to increase my cross training.  My week has looked like this so far:
-       Monday: 
-       Tuesday:  45 minutes on stationary bike, 1 hr circuit training (back, arms, shoulders, legs), 2 x 1 min planks, 10 pushups
-       Wednesday:  1 hr circuit training, 2 x 1 min planks, 10 pushups
-       Thursday:  3 mile run, shoveled 2 large “scoops” of bark mulch (it counts)

3 miles done pain free!

The plan for the weekend is to run 5 miles on Saturday and then 15+ on Sunday.  This is down from the 8 miles/22 miles plan for my ultra training.  Right now it’s more important to not be in pain. 

Big boots to fill!  This is what we wear when we mulch! 

What have you done when you get in a funk?  I am refocused and ready to go!  


  1. Oh man you should have started this tomorrow after national donut day ;-)
    Good luck getting back into the swing of things, and take super good care of that knee!

  2. I am in a similar funk, but hope to get back to things next week. Shoveling bark definitely counts! That's hard work:/

  3. I am a stress eater and a boredom eater. And I have definitely been feeling the same way this week- like my clothes don't fit and I just feel icky. I totally agree that a good old notebook is the way to go for recording food. It is so easy that I actually do it. When i try to use an on-line tool, I get so tired of it that I give up in a couple days.

  4. I always envy those people who lose their appetite when stressed...not me. The junkier the better. I wish I could get rid of those sugar/carb cravings, but it's so hard!!!

  5. I am a boredom eater and yes, chips will disappear. All the best shaking out of the funk. The first step I take is not bringing the junk in the house.

  6. Good for you! A journal is one of the best tools for me when I know my eating is getting out of control- I am definitely a stress eater as well. Have a great weekend!

  7. I like your plan, very positive in body and mind. I've recently had a similar thing going on and what I found is to let the body recovery and not push to far too soon ... oh and I drank lots of green and red smoothies - YUM.

  8. Good luck, I know you can do it!!

    I hope running goes smoothly for you!

  9. I was just at the grocery store staring at the chips.. I wanted a bag so bad, but I knew I would mindlessly eat the whole bag, I looked at all the healthy things I already had and grabbed a bag of Starburst instead. I did only eat 5 of them though and have hidden the rest! I just got back to clean eating the last couple of weeks and the extra weight I had picked up since Feb is coming off, you will get there too! Hope you run pain free soon!

  10. I am definitely a stress eater. I always do best when I have a goal - usually a race. It helps keep me focused and accountable. I am also generally a MUCH happier human when I am running regularly


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