I Can Run Again!

Yesterday afternoon I got the green light from my orthopedic doctor to run again!  To celebrate the good news - I came home, changed into the brightest outfit, ViewSport tank and Spandits Aurora Borealis 3/4 tights, along with my Sayonaras and went out for a run.  Nothing long, nothing fast.  It was simply a run.  Enough to feel good about being out there, doing what I enjoy.  And it was pain free.

So, what was wrong with my knee?  To sum it up - overuse.  The swelling and pain was a ruptured Bakers Cyst.   The MRI showed that there's still some fluid there and the doctor explained that it will go away on it's own and nothing I can do.  The MRI also showed that there is some degeneration of the meniscus - meaning it may or may not tear at some point and that there is really no way of knowing.  The clicking in my knees?   Good ol' genetics.  I love it.  Not really.  Apparently my knee cap is not exactly where it needs to be and it kind of rotates to the side and rubs - hence the clicking.   To help out with that, I need to focus on strengthening my quads and inner quads.   Done!  

The overuse part comes from my stupidity.  I was training for that darn ultra and was determined I was going to do it.  Then the plantar fasciitis happened and I was forced to rest.  But I could bike, so I biked.  A lot.  Too much.  I broke the rules when increasing mileage and paid for it.  Like losing out on over $200 for that race (registration and non-refundable motel room) and then another $50 for Beach to Beacon.  Lesson learned.   

What does this mean for races for the fall?  I've decided that it is best to not do the full marathon at MDI.  I could do it.  I know I could.  But with the lack of training due to these injuries, I don't think it's the smartest thing to jump right into high mileage.  I'd rather have many years of running shorter distances rather than wreck myself for one race.   But I'm not completely losing out on my registration for MDI.  Earlier this week, MDI announced that they were adding in a half marathon.  I knew right then and there that the half was a better distance for me.  Woohoo!  

Really, I don't think I want to do a marathon for a long time.  Perhaps I'll wait until I turn 40 and try to BQ.  Who knows.   

For now, I'm going to focus on getting stronger and enjoy running again.   


  1. Oh I am so happy you can run again. And I think we all tend to make silly mistakes. It's hard not to when you so desperately want to run.

  2. Jamie @ couchtoironwomanAugust 9, 2013 at 10:53 AM

    I think going down to the half at MDI is a good decision for you :) I'm glad you will still be there so that we can finally meet!

  3. Louise Bourque CunninghamAugust 9, 2013 at 11:29 AM

    Glad to hear you are back at it!

  4. Love the outfit! And so happy for you!

  5. Sara @ Middleaged RunnerAugust 9, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    I'm bumping down to the half at MDI too, hopefully we see each other at the start (I seem to have terrible luck finding people at races...)! Overtraining bit me in the ass last year and I paid for it too. Now that you have gotten it out of the way I expect you'll be good from here on out!

  6. SO glad to hear you are cleared to run and that is so awesome that you will still be able to partiticpate at MDI!

  7. Yaaaaay! You can run again :) I love this news and I love your attitude :) Personally, I love fulls and can't stay away from them, but I actually think the half is my favorite distance - enjoy!!!

  8. I really enjoy the half as well. It's been a little while since I've done one since my whole marathon obsession... I'm thinking this break will be good for me.

  9. I am so happy as well!!! Yay! Too bad the MDI half isn't the first half of the course! ;)

  10. Oh I am POSITIVE we'll spot each other before the race!!!! I'll be in Spandits and you'll be in Oiselle.

  11. Thanks, Kayla!!! I'm ecstatic too. ;)

  12. Yes and going to be good this time.

  13. Hoping all of my strength training will help me with Spartan Fenway coming up!!! ;)

  14. Oh yes - we will definitely meet! We'll be up there the day before. I'll have my entire family I'm sure and all of the running girls will be up too!

  15. Thanks! It's all good. I know what I need to do now. :)

  16. Hooray for being able to run again! Glad it was nothing major!

  17. Keep at it girl. Glad you were able to figure out whats wrong. Just enjoy running :)


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