Hydration is Key & Oral I.V. is Here to Help!

Something I've learned over the years is that hydration is vital when it comes to performance and feeling good.  While I do drink a fair amount of water each day, I do admit that hydration aids have a great affect in maintaining my levels of hydration throughout the day and throughout my training.

Oral I.V. is one of the many hydration aids available but it is unlike all of the others.  Oral I.V. is a proprietary formula of crystalloid electrolytes that aids in hydration and does not use sugar, caffeine, stimulants or any other artificial ingredients.

I had two packs of Oral I.V. sent to me to try out.  Of course, Ward had to get in on the action and tried it as well.   Since he has been marathon training all summer long, I really couldn't say no.

Our thoughts: 

  • small, easy to transport
  • no taste - which was a positive
  • definitely did not feel a crash after using - a major bonus for me!
How to use:

You can twist the little cap off the top and drink it as is or you can add it to your water.  You choose.  I tried it both ways and didn't see/feel a difference at all.  It's really easy to use.  No waiting.  Just drink and go!  

Oral I.V. is great for just about anyone.  Work or play.  It's great for people who do the following activities:
  • Crossfit
  • Martial Arts
  • Running
  • Triathlons
  • Cycle
  • Adventure Challenges/Races
  • Outdoor Recreation
  • On the job (any job really)
  • Daily fitness and exercise
  • Climbing and Hiking
  • Professional Sports
  • Weight/Strength Training
Obviously, it's not limited to these activities.  If you need to enhance your hydration levels, then Oral I.V. could be the missing link.   If you are interested in learning more about Oral I.V. check them out on Facebook and/or Twitter.   

Do you use hydration aids?  Which ones have you used in the past?  What's important to you when choosing an hydration aid?  

Disclaimer:  I was sent Oral I.V. to review through my affiliations with FitApproach.  As always, all opinions on my blog are 100% my own.  


  1. Looks cool. I've never heard of this.

  2. I've never tried it but now I'm intrigued. Thanks for the review!

  3. hmm... never of this before!!! Interesting! :)


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