Tried It Tuesday

During the winter months, when I'm usually wearing lots of layers, long tights, high socks, I don't pay a lot of attention to shaving.  I actually get quite lazy about it.  Sorry, Ward.  But this year, I actually had to make an honest effort to shave those legs of mine at least on Sunday nights because of indoor track on Monday.  I definitely didn't want to show off the hairy legs to my athletes.

The weather in Maine, for the past couple of weeks has been rather cold and brutal as well.  Tons of snow.  Sub zero temps and then when the temperature did get about zero - the windchill was below zero.  Brrr...  which means I'm now running on the treadmill a lot more.  Since I do not have my own treadmill, I use one at the gym or school's fitness center.  Which then means - if they look, people will see my hairy legs!  So now that shaving routine has returned.    

My focus with Running With The Girls is fitness, family, and healthy eating.  But once in a while, a different kind of product catches my eye and I have to try it out and tell you about it.  Today I reached for one of these products that I received (gasp) back in November and remembered I hadn't blogged about it yet.   Why? Because I don't have to use it that often.   It does it's job the one time I need to use it, I put it away, and then about a month later, I use it again.

I love my mom dearly and I miss her daily.  However, she gave me this fabulous thing called a mustache.  And it's dark.  I've tried all of the options - ignoring it, bleach. waxing, plucking.  They all suck and do not work for me.   Then I was sent the Emjoi EpiSlim+ e18.

A few facts: 
- compact hair remover 
- 18 tweezers, 3 disc system pulls unwanted hair from the root 
- results last up to 6 weeks 
- 540 tweezer actions per second 
- great for unwanted facial or body hair  
- battery operated 

My thoughts.
The EpiSlim does remove unwanted hair for quite a long time.   I usually get about 4 weeks between uses, which is great because using the EpiSlim is not pain free. The first few "plucks" definitely evoke some tears, but after I get over the initial shock, I'm good to go and can get the job done - meaning a smooth, hair free area above my lip.    I also notice that my skin does not get irritated by this at all.  A little pain from the quick plucking - yes.  But I don't have any redness or pain afterward.    It is definitely worth it, especially at a price of $34.95.  No more bleach and wax purchases which add up.  I'm saving tons of money and that 'stash is gone.

Come on ladies, share what you use to remove unwanted hair?  It's not something we talk a lot about. And if you are a lucky one that doesn't have that hair, I am so jealous of you!  

disclosure:  I received the above mentioned product for the sole purpose of a review.  All thoughts are 100% honest and my own opinion.  


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