Fit Friday
4 days post Boston and I'm feeling mostly normal. My quads seriously took a beating when the cold finally got to me about midway. I remember feeling the pounding of my quads going down the hills and thinking "oh man, this is going to hurt for a very long time". And, they do. But it's still worth it! I freaking ran Boston. While we're talking marathons - I have Maine Coast Marathon in 15 days! This is the one I had been training for! My last "long run" was supposed to be the weekend of Boston anyway. We will see how I do running 2 marathons within 3 weeks of each other. I know a few folks who are taking on the 39.3 Maine Coast Challenge! That's just crazy to me! But I am sure they will rock it! I've booked the room - so Carrie and I can sleep a little longer race morning, rather than get up at 3am for the drive. If you want to track me - download the Racejoy App and track away. I a...