Join the #HydrationNation with SOS

Since I started my weight loss journey over 10 years ago, I upped my water intake drastically.  I always thought water was good enough to hydrate oneself.  But as I've fallen in love with running, I have found that only water doesn't cut it.  

I was very fortunate to come across a great opportunity to try out SOS Rehydrate through my affiliation with FitApproach.  As I've been upping my mileage a lot lately due to marathon training, I needed a better solution to help me perform better on my training runs.

Read here about the science behind SOS Recovery.  Even better - SOS was developed by 2 former pro-runner co-founders and one doctor co-founder.  It's safe to say that they know what runners need and have the science behind it!  

The box itself is just a pretty cool box, but when you flip it around, it's quite informational.  Thirsty?  Mix 1 SOS packet with your water..  Getting ready to go for a run?  Mix 2 SOS packets with your water.   Going out for a 60+ minute run? Mix 3 SOS packets with your water.   Very informational!  I love it!

I like to bring SOS to school with me as well and rehydrate throughout the day with it.   Something I read on their website (and on the little paper inside the box) was quite interesting.  The founders of SOS wrote "A 2% loss in body weight due to dehydration can reduce athletic performance by 20%, due to loss of energy and focus.  Proper hydration can prevent this.  SOS helps you keep performing at your peak."    This completely makes sense to me and ever since I've starting rehydrating with SOS, I've definitely noticed an improvement in my performance!  

If you would like to get your own SOS, head to the SOS Store here and use the code SweatpinkSOS for 10% off your order!  (each box of 10 packets cost $7.99)

I've tried quite a few other hydration drinks and SOS stands out to me as a very special rehydration drink.  I wasn't quite sure how or why, because science isn't my thing.  Sorry!  But math is!  I came to find out that SOS is absorbed quicker by the body because it is made with citrate which is better at lactate buffering and is has nothing artificial!  I am rather impressed with this bit of information!

Now, with all of this talking about how what SOS is for and what it does for you, I haven't said what I really think about it.  I hope you can gather that I love it!  It comes in Berry and Citrus flavor.  I do not have a favorite.  Both are equally tasty.  One thing I like about it is that it's salty/sweet.  And salty/sweet makes me super happy.  It satisfies my sweet and salt cravings at once and helps me rehydrate.  This is absolutely perfect!  

Now - with the ever awesome Boston Marathon coming up, I am going to be drinking SOS daily.  It's been a lifesaver during my training this far and I am happy to continue to use it throughout the rest (and beyond) of this training cycle.  I'll even be bringing it along with me to drink prior to the race!   Now, if I could only convince the SOS guys to meet me along the course with SOS.  That would just be perfection!  I might have to bring a couple of packets along and add them to my water along the course.  That might make more sense!  

Disclaimer: I was given a complimentary package of SOS for review through my affiliation with Sweat Pink Ambassadors.  As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 


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