Fit Friday

4 days post Boston and I'm feeling mostly normal.  My quads seriously took a beating when the cold finally got to me about midway.  I remember feeling the pounding of my quads going down the hills and thinking "oh man, this is going to hurt for a very long time".  And, they do.  But it's still worth it! I freaking ran Boston.  

While we're talking marathons - I have Maine Coast Marathon in 15 days!  This is the one I had been training for!  My last "long run" was supposed to be the weekend of Boston anyway.   We will see how I do running 2 marathons within 3 weeks of each other.  

I know a few folks who are taking on the 39.3 Maine Coast Challenge!  That's just crazy to me!  But I am sure they will rock it!  I've booked the room - so Carrie and I can sleep a little longer race morning, rather than get up at 3am for the drive.  

If you want to track me - download the Racejoy App and track away.  I am a bit nervous that this will completely kill my battery.  I'll follow all of the suggestions to preserve the battery, but I still think it will drain it before I finish.  Oh well.  I'll make sure I have my charger at the finish.  

Last night, I decided I should take care of my body and head to my friend, Kristy's yogalates class.  It's a little more upbeat than the traditional yoga, but it's a great stretch and gets you moving again.  Absolutely the best decision!  

And because I am an exercise addict and need to move - I decided to bike for 30 minutes yesterday, while I started reading Carla and Roni's book.  Already I am in love with it!  If you haven't picked it up yet - do it!  

I have a tendency to overdo things and get injured.  That is why I've decided to not run at least until Sunday.

Which is the last day to run the Gone For A Run Virtual 10k.  Did you register?  I hope so, because it's sold out!  I seriously love the tank and the magnet!  The medal is rather awesome as well.  Even if I don't run the entire distance, I'll walk the rest to make up the difference.  I love the name of this race - Log Off, Shut Down, Go Run.  I find myself too wrapped up in social media and this is a great reminder to just shut it down and get outside and enjoy life.  Thank you Gone for A Run!  

Have you ever tried SOS Rehydrate?  I reviewed it here.  I cannot get enough of this stuff!  I had to stop and visit at the expo as well - so I could stock up some more.   I seriously should be an ambassador for SOS - that's how much I love it!  

And just in case you forgot or missed it - there is still time to register for my Spring into Fitness 5k!  There are low entries and at this point every single person is guaranteed a prize!  The $20 donation goes directly to my fundraising efforts for Maine Cancer Foundation.  

Happy Friday to everyone!!!!  I hope you make the best of it!


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