Friday Funday!

In the summer, everyday is Funday for us!  Sorry.  Just had to rub it in.  We're super busy this summer - but we still have time to play!  

And by play - I mean we spend a lot of time outside: at the pool, beach, camp and we need to protect ourselves from the sun as much as possible.  

I was sent the Cappelli Straworld Pack A Hat to review.  As soon as Izzy saw it, she stole it from me.  Normally I'd be sad about this, but it looks far better on her anyway!  

The Pack A Hat is not only adorable, but it's rated UPF 50+ and comes in a small wristlet tote to make travel practical and simple.   The Pack A Hat is also super affordable - $25 retail price.  I love how you can stuff it in the little bag and when you pull it out, it looks great!   

We have a huge weekend planned with tons of outdoor/water fun and I've already tossed the Pack A Hat in my bag to make sure it comes along for some cuteness and summer sun protection!   

disclosure: I was sent the Pack A Hat for the purpose of a review.  I was not further compensated and was not required to provide a positive review.  As always, all opinions expressed on my blog are 100% my own.  


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