3 Things Thursday

Why do vacation weeks fly by so fast?  Seriously!  A regular work week tends to drag on and on sometimes.  But a week off is gone in no time!  

Rocking the newest Tumbledown (fleece lined) hat.      Use SPANDITSLOVE for 10% off (and say Jen B sent you).  
Kinda like the snow this winter.  We get a storm.  Then the next day it's 50F and we have this remaining.  I'm seriously not upset by the lack of snow.  

I would prefer for us to have green grass and flowers.... but I won't complain.  
So what have we been up to this week?  Rest.  Every single day during the school week, we're on the go for one thing or another.  Dance.  Gym. Meetings.  Soccer.  So I make it a priority to rest during break.  We definitely need it.  

And by rest, I mean running.  You get my logic.  Right?  No time like the present for an interval session on my favorite treadmill.  Warm up, 5 minutes fast, 2 minutes recovery & repeat 4 times, cool down.  

Equipped with my newest Altra One2.5's, ProCompression socks, custom Spandits shorts, Run All Day tank
and SOS rehydrate in my water bottle.  Perfect workout!

And Spring made my day by adding in an 80s playlist!  Oh yeah!  Sign up for your free trial here.  

Family Workout Sessions.
And now that Tucker is just about recovered, we have him doing nightly strength sessions.  Ward is gone on a business trip, so last night I carried out our strength session and Izzy joined in on the fun.  

planks, squats, toe raises, push ups, bridges... fun times!

And why not?  During a break, you just need to add some color to your hair.  

Purple streaks for the win.  And Izzy received a couple of smaller ones.  

So there you have it!  What have your been up to this week?  


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