Motivation Monday & Goal Setting

What gets you moving?  Does the drive to workout pull you out of bed in the morning?  Do you have someone that motivates you?  For me, I'm driven to lead a healthy lifestyle for my family.

My mini-me sporting her Spandits and doing wall sits with me

Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kids be active and being active with them.  

getting Tucker to work on his cardio after recovering from his surgeries

I will admit. There are days, when rest is just necessary.  Sometimes that turns into a two or three days.  It's okay.  I tell myself that it's completely okay and it's just my body telling me I need rest.   

family strength training session

Then there are days, when I really just don't want to work out and it's hard to get out there.  I find this especially true after a race, where I just need time off.     

I feel that I am most focused on my workouts when I specific goal in mind.  This morning I was thinking about what my specific goals are for the year.  I know I have outlined my 2016 Race Schedule, which may shift a bit or have some additions.  Because we all know races come up and you just have to do them!  

Philadelphia Marathon 2015 - My PR Marathon Race of 3:54

I like to use SMART goal planning to help with my motivation.  It definitely helps me to focus on where I want to go and how I'm going to get there.  

S - Specific
*PR in the Half Marathon
*PR in the Marathon 

M - Measurable
*I will PR in the Half Marathon with a time of 1:43 or better. 
*I will PR in the Marathon with a time of 3:50 or better.  

A - Action Oriented
*Beginning in February 2016, strength train 3 times/week (this includes core/legs/arms/back).
*Maintain weekly mileage between 35 - 40 miles/week (gradually increasing that mileage)
*Practice yoga at least once a week.
*Focus on race weight. Not starve myself but refocus my food intake and lose that last 5 pounds. EAT CLEAN!
*Speed work and hill work part of weekly training. 


R - Realistic
*My half marathon PR is a 1:44. I have a previous 5K PR of 21:16 and a previous 10K PR of 46:30. I know I have it in me to run a half marathon faster. 
*My marathon PR is 3:54.  I know I gave up around mile 19 of my last marathon and if I had just powered through it, I know I would have performed much better.  

T - Time Bound
*Register for several races in 2016 and use them for tune ups. I plan on running at least 3 half marathons this year: Race The Runways, Rail Trail Half Marathon, and another one this fall. I didn't put a fall one on the list, but I've been considering a few local ones...I just need to make up my mind!
*Run the Clarence DeMar Marathon in September.  This will give me a couple of half marathons as tune ups beforehand and a summer with time to put into my training.

Now it's your turn?  What are your goals for 2016?  


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