It's almost here!

The weather this week has been incredible.  I love hot, sunny weather.  I really do.  The hotter the better.  I hate snow and ice, so I do not complain about the beautiful weather when we (finally) get it.  What's torturous about this weather is that while it's gorgeous outside, I'm stuck inside.  Thankfully, I only have 5 1/2 more days with students.  I think I can. I think I can. 

Anywho, I was looking through some pictures I downloaded from my camera and I founds these awesome pictures of the boys - Tucker and Jackson and some of Izzy from Memorial Day.  

The boys absolutely love the sprinkler.  

Izzy wasn't very impressed with it.   

But, she's still cutie.  Maybe sometime this summer she'll come around.  


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