Gross Feet

(Warning – the pictures here are not pretty. )

I know I didn’t have pretty feet prior to running.  But now they are just plain old gross.  Don't you just love me for sharing with you?  

On my left foot, I have a black toenail – that is thick and disgusting.  The good thing about that is that it doesn’t hurt. 

On my right foot, I lost the middle toenail.  Totally random.  One day I looked down at my feet and noticed my toenail was hanging out at a 90 degree angle.  I never felt a thing.  I am thankful for that. 

Also, on the right foot, while it’s not black, I definitely have a toenail getting thicker. 

I even noticed that after the half marathon on Sunday, I noticed that on the top of all my toenails (well, except for the black one and missing toenail) is a dark pink color.  It’s still there. 

middle toe is missing toenail - ewwww

Ugh.  My feet are a mess.  I’ve tried going up sizes in my shoes.  I went from an 8.5 to a 9.  When I visited Maine Running Company on Tuesday, I went up another half size.   I hope the increase in shoe size works. 

While I’m on the foot topic – you will notice that I do have bunions.  Knock on wood, they do not bother me.  I try to be super careful in choosing wide shoes and making sure there isn’t any leather/stitching in the bunion area so as to not rub and irritate any further.  When they do ache (which is rare), I wear my yoga toes for a few hours and I feel good to go the next day.  My biggest fear with the bunions is that I will need surgery some day.  Which means taking a break from running.  I’m not there yet, thank goodness. 

Do you have any foot issues?  What do you do to protect your feet? 


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you posted about this. I did not know yogi toes did that! I have bunions inherited from all the women in my family. I can tell when a pair of shoes is wearing out because my right one starts to ache. I go up a size too. It depends on the shoe, how well that works. Sometimes with a wider toe box, I don't need to.. or I just unlace the holes closest to my toes.

    It's weird, but I've never lost a toenail to running! (knock on wood) I always feel so out of the club.. but I just never have.

  2. oh man I definitely have feet issues, I can't seem to keep the polish pretty because of wearing running shoes and heels lol and also I get calluses like crazy from both of those too, but it's so worth it!


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