Running Hot & My Winnings!

Okay, it's no secret, but it's hot here in Maine.  Yesterday it hit 100 degrees here.  I grew up in Pennsylvania so I am not a stranger to the heat. But I was much younger then and I did not run.  I think the only thing I did was swim or lay on a float in the pool.

I was scheduled for a 4 mile run on Thursday but couldn't get my act together and get the run done before heading off to teach summer school and I had zero intention of running it at noon again (I had done 5 miles the day before at noon).  I opted to take Thursday off and just plan my run for 1st thing Friday morning.  Friday morning came and the thermometer read 78 degrees and 75% humidity.  I was hot getting ready for the run, so I made some "beat the heat" decisions just before heading out the door.  The first thing I did was soak my hair in ice cold water.  Not sure if it did anything, but it felt awesome!  The second thing I did was take the shirt off and run in just my sports bra.  My abs are nowhere near where I want them to be - especially for public appearances.  BUT, I thought how many people will actually see me at 6 am on a back road in Maine.  So, I went for it.
Don't you just love my super white belly and tan arms/legs?  

Oh and I wore my new shoes for the 2nd time yesterday - Brooks ST5 Racers.  Ward has a pair of the previous version and loves them.  I tried his on (they are just a little too big) and they totally felt awesome.  Just what I wanted.  So, I just went ahead and ordered them.  They came on Tuesday.  They are classified as racers - but they are going to be my trainers.  I have found that I cannot have too much cushioning.  When I try to run in cushioned shoes, I hurt everywhere - for days.  When I run in racers -  I don't hurt.  Plus, these babies are rated for marathons.

I was completely tempted to take my camelbak with me, but realized how silly I was for wanting to take it on a 4 mile run.

I was only looking for mileage yesterday as my long run was scheduled for today – so my goal was an easy 4 miles.  It was a definite easy 4 miles and I felt great afterwards.  Totally soaked, but great!  I came home, took an ice cold shower and packed our bags to take the kids to Peacock Beach.   We met up with Stacy, Jess, and Jill and all of their kiddos.  What a perfect day. 

This morning, the girls and I got out for our 12 mile run (11 for Jill and Stacy).  Jess and I opted for 12 because we’re going to get 2 – 20 milers done in the marathon training.  Today, I did bring my camelbak.  It was not as hot or humid as yesterday AND it rained a little during the run.  The rain felt heavenly.   Then I came home, took another ice cold shower and packed our bags to head to the cottage.  Another great beach day!   I am completely loving summer life. 

I have been forgetting to take pictures of my awesome winnings from Jen and her ToughChik giveaway.  I opted to get the sweatshirt (although I will not be wearing it for a while) and this awesome t-shirt!

Sorry - wet spot on the shoulder from a wet bathing suit!
I even got this sweet note and some incredible stickers.  I love winning!  Especially from such an incredible company.  I am definitely going to be buy more goodies from Tough Chik!


  1. Your trainers look amazing, I love the colours.
    i always think I'd like a running t-shirt with a witty slogan on but can never come up with one .... I mean I can't wear a T that says "I Run" whilst interval training with C25K training program can I ;-)

  2. You totally can wear an I Run t!!

    I do love the colors too! Now I need new shorts to match. :)

  3. I love your winnings! and the shoes are so pretty! I think more running shoes should be bright awesome colors. I get so tired of white and blue. Bleh give me color!


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