Instead Soft Cup Review

Okay guys - stop reading now.  Really, stop!

I was recently provided with a box of Instead SoftCup to review.  I was a bit apprehensive about this in the first place because I had no idea what they even looked like or how to use them.  I had heard of them before, but really hadn’t taken the time to look at the box and study them.  I usually don’t spend a lot of time in the feminine hygiene isle.  I just grab what I like and go.  

First things first, I’d like to characterize my flow as just weird.  The first two days are gushers and then it tapers off to a light trace which can last for up to 7 days.  Sometimes 4 days, but not always.  I know.  TMI but for you understand where I’m coming from in this review, you should know a little bit about me.  (perhaps I just shared too much and for that I’m sorry!)  

Basically, the Instead SoftCup is a cup that you insert into your vagina and it cups your cervix.   Here are the instructions from the site.   

I was concerned about the invasiveness and to me, it’s no more invasive than the tampon is.  Perhaps it’s a bit less invasive.  That’s just my opinion.  

The box does suggest to wear a panty liner with it until you become better at inserting the Instead SoftCup.  I must say I’d agree.  I did experience a bit of leakage but then again, my first two days I usually wear a Super Sport tampon AND a pad and then I change the tampon every 2 to 3 hours.  Yes.  It’s THAT heavy.   

I did try out the Instead SoftCup during one of my heavy days and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  On one of those gusher days, I can easily go through 5 or more tampons and several pads.  That day, I went through 2 Instead SoftCups and 1 pad.  Not so bad.    

Now, in terms of fitness, how do I feel about the Instead SoftCup?  I’ve worn it for several runs, heavy and light flow days AND I’ve gone swimming.  Instead SoftCup has passed with flying colors - meaning, no cramping, weird feelings, or leakage.  Is this goodbye to my supply of pads and tampons?  

Are you interested?  I've seen Instead Softcup at my local RiteAid, and if it's available at a pharmacy in my town, I'm sure it's available just about anywhere.  To find a store that sells Softcup, just go here to search or buy it online here.  You can even check out Softcup on facebook or twitter for any specials.  

Disclaimer:  I was sent the Instead SoftCup for the purpose of a review.    All opinions posted here are 100% my own and were not swayed by said compensation.  


  1. Interesting topic... lol. I'd love to say I have something to contribute to the discussion but since I haven't had a period in 8 years, I really have nothing to add. Three letters:


    Most magical thing ever.

  2. Best product! Told you yesterday, been using them off and on for 4 years now. Definitely lifesavers for a number of reasons!

  3. Good review and they look like a great product.

  4. I use the diva cup, which is similar, but reusable...but way cheaper and 'greener' (I've been using mine for 3 years and not purchased a single other product in that time!) BUT I was thinking of giving these a try to keep in my desk at work for when I miscalculate the arrival date...(Or not miscalculate so much as I start anywhere from day 24-40, yikes) I havent been able to wear tampons since giving birth..I break out into a cold sweat and get nauseous and dizzy within 20 minutes of putting one in. The ick factor is not as bad as you'd think; I wish more girls would give them a try! Thanks for the review!

  5. I also use the Diva Cup. I've had mine for two years and wouldn't go back for anything. It takes a cycle to get used to, but once you've got the "flow" of it, it's easy as pie. Saves $, the environment, and you're not putting any caustic cotton near your lovely lady parts. Thanks for the review, maybe it will convince a few readers to give SoftCups (or the Diva Cup) a try.

  6. I tried the Diva Cup. I liked it the first month, but then the next few months, I couldn't get the leakage under control. I ended up tossing it and going back to tampons. :-( Maybe I'll give SoftCups a try.


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