Less than 3 Weeks!

Somehow the stars aligned and I had the best 20 mile training run I could ask for.  I'm not sure how it happened or why, but does it matter?  Not at this moment.

Going into the run I thought for sure it was going to be a horrible run.  I know, I shouldn't go into a long run like that with such a negative attitude.   I ate out for three days prior to the run and didn't make the healthiest choices.
Thursday night - Burger and fries at the A-1 Diner
Friday night - Burger fries and onion rings at Johnny Rockets.

The Berry & Nut salad, topped with turkey at the 1912 Cafe at LL Bean.  

Saturday -We were on our way to a wedding in Southern Maine, so lunch was at the 1912 cafe.  I tried my best to correct myself with this beautiful salad.  Then completely splurged on yummy wedding food - crab cakes, peanut sauce chicken, bruschetta, cheese, veggies, more cheese, cupcakes (3!), wine and beer.  
This was a gorgeous wedding for two lovely friends of ours & the cupcakes were to die for.
Well, all of the food was actually quite yummy.  

Being a little obsessed with running, I was having a little freak out (okay, big one) about the food I was eating.  Ward told me that I focus too much on what I eat and shouldn't be as concerned.  

Given my three day diet, I would have expected to have spent quite a bit of quality time in the woods.  I was even tempted to just bring the entire toilet paper roll.  Really I was.  However, I am proud to report that there was only 1 trip to the woods.  Not too bad.  I completed this 20 miler in 3 hr and 3 minutes - 9:09 pace!  This is a huge ego booster for sure.  

So, this leads me to  - is Ward right?  Do I focus too much on what I eat?  What do you think?  I hate it when he's right.  

Am I ready for MDI?  I sure as heck hope so!  Let's compare the elevations for my past two long runs.

Yesterday's 20 miler.  Not too challenging or hilly.   The end is a challenge for sure.  But 20 miles is still a challenge.  

Last weekend's 14 miler - hillier yes, but shorter.  There were some killer uphills on that course.  I did contemplate doing that look twice yesterday and cutting out a small section to make it 20 miles, but changed my mind wimped out.  

MDI - this is what I'll be running in less than 3 weeks.  The entire 26.2 miles.  I am going to trust my training and go with it.  


  1. Nice job, looked strong. I had the worst run haha

    1. You still looked like you were having a great time with your running buddy. I was more thrown off that you were running with a friend! ;)

  2. Wow - nice job!!! And if you've had issues in the past, then it makes sense you'd focus on what you're eating. But, I swear you just never know what can happen and when!

    1. My body is definitely playing tricks on me. What works one time doesn't work the next. Ugh! Oh well. I'll just take this one and live it up!

  3. Great job!! You will do amazing! Maybe you should eat more burgers. ;)

    1. I will eat more burgers, cupcakes, fries, and drink more beer apparently! ;)

  4. You are going to rock it! Your 20 miler was awesome:)

  5. Jen, you're going to rock MDI.......can't wait to read all about it. We're both into taper now....should be fun! LOL

    1. I am so ready for taper!!!! I've got a huge October in store.

  6. Awesome job woman! hey, I know some people who eat Twinkies for pre-fuel food.. so I guess it just depends on the person! I still cannot figure out what I can eat while running... ack. :) Proud of you! Thank you so much for all of your encouragement. It really means a LOT.

    1. You are very welcome!!! I'm sure what worked this time won't work next time. My body is funky like that. I'm loving all of your encouragement as well.

  7. You are so amazing! I just did my last long run...though 10 miles doesn't sound or feel all that long anymore!!! So happy to hear you had such an awesome run...super proud of you!

    1. Isn't it crazy to think "I only did 10 miles"....when 10 miles is still freakin' long!!!!! I am proud of you and cannot wait to watch you rock marathon #1 next Sunday!

  8. Way to go Jen - you have been doing enough hills to do well at MDI, just trust your training! Eating I have a sneaking suspicion that you eat better than 80% of the runners out there, so I wouldn't worry too much :-)

    1. I eat far better than Ward on any given day!!! I am very excited about MDI!

  9. You're ready! My only race gut attack hit me after a burger and friends. Never again my friend, never again.

    1. Oohhh sorry! It does seem like you are getting your eating under control and figuring things out!

  10. Great job with the run! I love runs like that. I tend to have the worst guts after eating obvious things like a bag of cherries. I don't otherwise focus on what I eat very much. No set list of things to avoid or to eat specifically.

    1. Great to know!!! Maybe I was over analyzing things are bit too much.

  11. Jen you are so amazing! I dont know what else to say!!! :)

  12. Typically what you eat leading up to a run IS a factor, but sounds like everything "processed" well and based on past training, you were able to kick some ass. Great job. Always trust in the training... but I don't think burgers and fries should be power food moving forward, but I could be wrong.

  13. I'm so excited for you!! You are going to crush those hills at MDI!

    I also focus on what I eat and sometimes the runs where I don't, or where I think it is going to go lousy, are my best runs! I'm still being 99% careful this week though.

  14. Great job on the 20 miler! I can't wait to see how well you do with your marathon!


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