Plank if you're a winner

I'm absolutely thrilled with the participation Michelle and I got in our challenge!  I enjoyed the tweets, facebook messages, and blog comments.  All have been supportive and encouraging.  This is what I love and enjoy about the blog world.  

I wish I had an endless supply of Sweat Pink shoelaces - but I don't.  I have three pairs left - so that means 3 winners!  

Thank you all for submitting your results to me.  I took your names, put them on small pieces of paper, and had Tucker draw the winners.  (Izzy was sleeping already.... she is going to be bummed to know I did this without her.  Shhhh..don't tell her!)  

And the winners are:

Lori!  She started at a 34.8 second plank and ended with a 64.3 second plank, increased from 9 push ups to 24, and 18.4 second wall sit to 1:21:50!  

Melissa from The Melissa Chronicles - who started with a 1:51 plank and ended with a 5:31 and her wall sits went from 2:00 to 3:30!  

Sandy, from Boston Bound Brunette who increased her push ups from 10 to 20, planks from 75 seconds to 180 seconds, and wall sits from 52 to 100.  

Now that's PROGRESS ladies!  Crazy how just committing to just a few exercises for a little over 2 weeks can show such excellent progress and see/feel results.  I'm a believer, are you?  I will say that I even got a text from Ward today when I was at school telling me he ran and them came home and planked! 

Lori, Melissa, and Sandy - could you please email me your addresses at runningwiththegirls At  I'd love to mail out your laces this week.  

Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun in such a short amount of time and with zero notice.  

What kind of challenge would you like to see next?    


  1. Jen, do you provide basic "Instructions" for doing these properly? :)

  2. Yippee! I have not won anything in a long time! Thank you for allowing me to participate! I am emailing you now!

  3. Congratulations to all of your winners! Maybe a burpee challenge ;)

  4. I love these kind of things I hope I catch your next one!

  5. Congrats to the winners! Awesome improvement from all of you :-)

  6. 5:31 AND a winner?!? Can this week get any better? YES! Guess who's a new SPA?
    --->this girl<---

    I'm sure Miss Izzy had to be bummed to sleep through the first drawing, so how about keeping the pink love flowing and having her draw another name?? (Umm, I hope you have all those pieces of paper still!)

    Happy Friday everyone!!!


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