Running With The Girls March Challenge

In January, I hosted a DietBet weight loss challenge.  Of course if I'm going to host an event on my blog, I'm definitely going to participate.  I thought the challenge was a lot of fun and enjoyed chatting with my participants on the discussion board.  Although, I didn't "win", I came close (within a pound).  This time, I'm determined to meet my goal.  I've got to, my mileage is going to increase with marathon training and I usually drop a few pounds while training for marathons.  Here's hoping I meet my goal this time!!!

The challenge runs from March 4 - 31.  

It's really simple - 
  • pay the $10 bet fee via paypal or credit card to DietBet
  • weigh in 3/2 - 3/3, DietBet will give you a code word that you'll need to have written on paper and in your "weight verification picture" 
  • share the challenge with your friends - the more people in our challenge, the higher the pot, the better for you in the end when you meet your goal of losing your 4%
  • over the course of the 4 weeks, share your successes/stresses on DietBet on our challenge message board.  this part is not mandatory at all - but the sense of community when working towards the same goal does help in weight loss!  
  • at the end, do a final weigh out.  
  • if you lose your 4%, you'll be asked to verify your weight and then all the winners will split the pot.  
Are you in?  Sign up here!  

Already in another challenge?  No worries.  DietBet lets you join up to 5 challenges at a time.  While I'm hosting my challenge, I'll also be involved in another challenge.  


  1. I did one in February and really enjoyed it. i am actually making myself take March off to see if I can do it on my own without the Diet Bet motivation. Last week was my first week post bet and I was bad.
    I hope that your bet goes great and you met your goal.

  2. Good luck! I'm not going to join because I don't think I have much to lose, and I'm already hitting my race weight so that might be bad to lose more.

  3. Good luck with Diet Bet in March! I participated in a couple that took place over the holidays. Terrible idea!

  4. I'm a few days late, but just joined. Since January 1st I've gained 7 lbs. That ALWAYS seems to happen when I up my training mileage. I think it has a lot more to do with being hungry and eating too much than muscle gains. Thanks for the extra push!

  5. I just joined. A bit late, but I'm up for a challenge. This is just the motivation I need to drop the seven pounds I've gained since January 1st. I always gain during the end of my training plan. I think it has a lot more to do with how hungry I think I am and less with muscle gain. Thanks for the extra push!


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