My Week in Review & February Break!

I haven't been sharing my  training lately.  I've actually decided to reboot how I track my training. I am no longer on Daily Mile - for many reasons and now I track my running/workouts with Running Log on my iPhone.  

Also, in terms of training, I am copying Carrie.   She wrote about using the Runner's World Smart Coach in a recent blog, so of course I had to check it out.  My goal race is at the end of June, which is 19 weeks out.  Smart Coach is incredibly easy and it's free.  Plus, with my crazy work schedules, I needed to focus on a plan with lower mileage.  So far, I'm sticking to it.  And even better, I'm liking it!

Here's my week: 

Sunday - 10 treadmill miles.  

I bought these CWX PerformX compression tights at the grand opening of the Rail Trail Shop - which was a hit.  I didn't wear them on the treadmill, but I did wear them ALL.DAY.LONG - and they felt fantastic.  And they looked hot.  

Monday - 3.5 miles.

I should mention, all of my running was done in these babies pictured above.  Not very attractive.  But freaking amazing!  More on this later this week.   I also ran in my new CWX tights.  Amazing.  Everything pictured above can be purchased at the Rail Trail Run Shop - just in case you want to come by and see me!   

Tuesday - 4 miles & Yogalates.  

I finally made it my friend, Kristy's yogalates class.  Actually, last week I went with my sister-in-law, Jill.  This week Jill had other plans, so I went alone.  I freaking love Kristy.  So has so much energy and really motivates you to challenge yourself.  I really like yogalates.  It's a little more upbeat than yoga - and has a section focused on pilates.  A perfect combination for me.  And her classes are freaking packed!  This girl is popular!

Wednesday - 5 miles.  Speed day!  

I'm back at square one with speed.  I'm completely okay with this.  I'd rather NOT injure myself again.  Training smarter this time.  Going into this, I wasn't so sure I had any speed in me.  I've been on the sick side for over a week and my asthma hasn't been happy.  BUT, I completely pulled it off.  And felt freaking fantastic afterwards!  PS - Pepper only did the warm-up and cool-down with me.  I don't want to push it with her either.  I'd like to have a running buddy with her for a few more years!

Thursday - rest.  
Thank goodness!  Still got in my burpees though!  Oh and Maine got hammered with snow.  

I'm still in the 1000 #ffburpee challenge.  I started out at 37 a day - because the challenge will end on my 37th birthday.  But, I skipped a day and when I was playing catch up, I hit then I decided I was going to do 50.   

I was curious what 50 burpees looked like with my Armour 39 Heart Rate Monitor, so I strapped it to me and when for it.  I loved seeing the heart rate!!!   But come on, 19 calories?  

By the of tonight - my new #ffburpee total is 700!  

Friday - 2 snowshoe running miles.

Saturday - 2 miles snowshoe running miles + 18 miles on indoor bike.   

Sunday - today - 13 miles!  On the treadmill.  

I had won a Fitbit earlier in the week (here).  It came in the mail on Saturday, so I've spent some time playing with my new device.  Today my experiment was the treadmill.  I knew my new Fitbit wasn't going to be 100% accurate on the treadmill.   But I had to compare.  Note, I had 0.43 miles logged on the Fitbit before I started running.  

Since I have the iPhone 4, the Fitbit app isn't compatible.  However, it's completely compatible with my laptop.  It's 7:30 pm and here's my daily progress so far.  I haven't done my burpees yet.    

This week is February break.  Which is fabulous!  The kids and I have nothing planned.  We're going to just focus on having fun and relaxing - so we can all kick these colds.  

The only real plans I have right now are: 

Tomorrow night I have my birthday dinner with the girls - what a great way to kick off February break week!  

Then Wednesday I have an appointment with an Allergy and Asthma Specialist.  Since this past summer I've been struggling with my asthma.  Meaning it has come back.  It basically disappeared while I was pregnant with Izzy and it re-emerged this summer and doesn't seem to be getting better.  I wasn't going to see a specialist but then I started getting some kind of allergy attacks, randomly, since August after I run.  The first few times it happened, I chalked it up as ragweed, since it happened at the peak of ragweed season.  But then when things started freezing, it continued.  Still random.  Then it happened a few times after running on the treadmill.  There is no rhyme or reason as to when it's going to happen.  And I'm confused.  I'm scared.  I'm nervous.   What's happening?  Warning.  This is rather weird looking.  

This is happening.  Within a few minutes after I finish running, my eyes will start to feel funny.  Then my left eye starts to swell underneath and my right eyelid will swell (above the eye).  I look like a freak and nothing gets rid of the swelling.   I've tried washing my face with cold water, using eye wash, using allergy drops, Benadryl, ice packs, nothing.  I get feverish and then I start feeling my chest close up.  The swelling usually stays overnight and lasts about 24 hours.  Which means the next day I'm wearing my glasses.  That I never ever wear.  They are actually not even appropriate for me anymore but I'm not going in public or to school looking like that - so I cover them up as best I can.  

I spoke to my regular doctor about this during the fall, and since he's a jerk, he told me to stop running.  Um. No.  So I quit seeing him and found a new doctor in another office.  But I had to wait until the beginning of January to see her.  I explained everything that had happened to me and she referred me to see an allergist.  Oh thank goodness!  She suggested a possible food allergy.  Not the end of the world.  Something I can handle.  I cannot wait to see the allergist on Wednesday.  Hopefully I can get answers relatively soon.  

In the meantime I've reduced my mileage - I didn't quit running - and I'm finding other ways to be fit. I've also taken antihistamines prior to running.  So far taking them has worked - except for one time.  And maybe I didn't give them long enough to work before I ran.  I'm not sure.  

Back to the positives - I hate dwelling on the negative.  Break...oh yes.  I'm so excited for break!   

How's your training going?  Any snow where you are?  Are you counting down the days until Spring yet?  


  1. I miss you on Daily Mile...but I totally get it too. I've thought about leaving too...but I really like the way it graphs your runs and keeps your data. The hard part for me is on my off days when I see someone else running, I immediately resort to "omg..I should run today...bah bah bah" and start beating myself up. It is SO a problem I need to get's anal, unhealthy and totally unnecessary. You had a great week of workouts - good luck with your appt. and...GET A NEW DOCTOR! psshhh. They make way too much money to simply say "stop running" as an answer!!

  2. The eye thing certainly is interesting. It only occurs after running? indoor or outdoor or both? It does have an allergy look to it so you are doing the right things with the cold compresses and benadryl. I think you are on the right track with the specialist.

  3. I quit daily mile last year after I first injured myself. A) it made me feel like I needed to run more all the time B) I have enough things on social media cutting out one wasn't going to hurt anything!
    sorry about your allergy thing, hope you get that figured out, I hate it when they say quit running, how about they just say quit breathing.

  4. Oh man I hope the eye thing is allergy related. Weird:( I have been so bad about running lately that I don't even track it. Too depressing. Can't wait for spring!

  5. I am nervous about the outcome of the appointment....but at least I'll have answers and know how to proceed. I do know that I'm still going to be a runner...and my active lifestyle will not end!

  6. I know exactly what you are saying!! I felt so competitive with other runners. (you were one of them! :) )..... and I was feeling overwhelmed by another community.

    This dr is horrible. It wasn't the only time he told me to quit running.... I hate to be judgmental but he's not exactly the picture of health. I have a hard time taking health advice from someone who doesn't appear to be healthy or promote a healthy lifestyle. I've actually complained about him quite a bit!!!

  7. Yes - only after running - indoor and outdoor. Fingers crossed the specialist has answers!!!!

  8. I miss you too on DM. I liked seeing you kick butt. However, I felt so competitive and I hated it. I've moved on from the horrid dr. He's done. :)

  9. I am relieved (and saddened too) to know that I am not the only one who feels that way. And I want to thank you, and Sarah E. for sharing why you left it has spurred me to leave as well. Well...kinda..I like the data tracking, so I just changed it around so I can only see my stuff on it and not use it as a "social media" platform anymore. I've been wanting to for a while...but I always feel so "obligated" to social media sometimes. It's awful!

  10. I do miss the data tracking....but I am loving the data tracking of the running log on my phone. It does weekly - miles/duration/pace; monthly - miles/duration/pace; and yearly - miles/duration/ rest days/ave distance. :) I should have just made my profile private like you just did!!! I had no idea Sarah left!

  11. Yikes!! I was getting something that looked like pink eye when training in Atlanta and it took a combo of allegra and eye drops, but that usually did the trick. I hope you find something like that because NAHHH no running is not the answer!!! Would appreciate if you link back to the bestfoot link up too, thanks!!

  12. I'm hoping for help from the specialist!!!! Fingers crossed...and toes!

  13. Krysten @DarwinianFailFebruary 18, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    I love those tights!! And oh no to the questionable eyeball! I hope it heals up quickly! It looks like your training has been going really well!

  14. Ohhh...hope your eye is better today!

    We've got lots of snow here...that said, it will be Spring time soon enough :)


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