Week 2: Move Nourish Believe Challenge

Here we are - week 2 of the FitApproach and Lorna Jane Move Nourish Believe Challenge.  

Lorna's Philosophy:
MOVE her body every day
NOURISH from the inside out
BELIEVE in herself and that anything is possible
if you work hard enough

Week 2 Focused on the Nourish portion of the challenge.  

2/10: Go Meatless

The foods I eat during the day usually do not include meat anyway.  So breakfast and lunch were quite easy to be meatless.  Dinner was a little challenge - but I ate a veggie stir fry for dinner and it was fabulous!  

2/11: TYLTW! - Take Your Lunch to Work today! 

This week I was a little short on the actual days I went to work.  I went home around 9:30 on Monday due to a sick Izzy at daycare, spent time at the doctor's office, waited for the results of the throat culture - strep, then a trip to the health food store for probiotics and then a trip to the pharmacy for antibiotics.  This meant that I wasn't going anywhere on Tuesday either.  Tucker started seeming rather sick Monday night, so I just kept him home on Tuesday.  Both are great now.   But since I didn't go to work, I still ate what I had planned on taking to work - salad!  Yum!

2/12: Write it down! 

I wrote this list about 3 times throughout the day.  On various sticky notes.  And when I got home from school - I realized those sticky notes didn't make it into my bag.  But at least I remembered what I ate and wrote it all down!  

2/13: Smoothie Day! 

An early release from school - thanks to the snow - and what do I do?  Make a delicious smoothie.  Yum!  And I did't make just one.  I made one for each of us.  I love smoothie days like this!

2/14: Go Raw Friday! 

We are getting rather tired of winter and cucumbers make us think of summer.  So, cukes it was.  Dreaming of summer time.  

Are you participating in the #mnbchallenge with FitApproach and Lorna Jane?  


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