Friday Favorites

The temps are cooling down and it's starting to almost seem like fall isn't too far away.  Running in the fall has so many advantages - crisp cool air is a great reward for marathon training in the heat of summer.  Now to actually register for that marathon.....I'm not really sure what in the world is keeping me from pushing the register button.  Maybe I'm hoping for a better one to pop up?  

Here are some of my Friday Favorites to share with you!

Long Run Running Friends
Yesterday I joined a group of ladies at Kennebec Valley Coaching for my first 20 miler in this cycle.  Amy and Sarah had 15 miles scheduled and Gretchen had 18 miles.  

Track Tuesday with my Spandits and GR3!  Photo courtesy of Tucker. 

My legs were tired.  I had done my track workout Tuesday morning and busted my butt with the paces and then came home and asked Amy when she was doing her long run this weekend.  She replied - Thursday.  Ouch.  Well, if I wanted company, then I was going to have to make it work!!!  I took Wednesday off for rest and by rest, I mean I didn't run, but I spent the entire day moving Izzy's bed (a huge custom made bed made by my husband) that didn't fit though the doorway, which meant taking it apart and putting it back together, and then moving all of her toys and furniture into her new big girl room and then cleaning the house for our dinner guest that evening.  No rest for the weary, right?  

I met up with Amy, Sarah, and Gretchen first thing yesterday morning and we talked about where were going to run.  They had a route for the 15 miles in mind which worked and then Gretchen and I would just tack on the rest of our planned runs at the end.   We parted ways at 14.5 miles - Sarah and Amy headed back to the studio and Gretchen decided to do 20 miles with me instead of her 18, which was super sweet of her.  We stuck with the rail trail for the last 5.5 miles.   Thank you, Gretchen for sticking with me!  

by the time Gretchen and I returned the KVC, Sarah had left, but Amy was still there waiting for us! Sweaty Selfie time!
I love water.  I drink nearly a gallon a day.  But that isn't enough to keep me hydrated enough for all of the summer running and sweating I've been doing. 

 I have to replace the sodium and electrolytes somehow and BANa is a quick and efficient way to do it without adding calories or sugar to your diet.   

I was sent a sampler of adult and kid BANa.  I loved it.  Sweet and salty at the same time.  My perfect combination.  I drank them before my long run one hot morning and felt well hydrated the entire time.   BANa replenishes the body with sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate - which are all essential for the normal function of your cells and organs.  I think it's rather cool that BANa was developed by a physician working in an ER and modeled BANa after the normal saline IV.  That's what the medics do for some runners after a race, right?  I don't really know because I haven't visited the medical tent after a race - yet.  So, basically, BANa is a personal IV for you to give yourself.  

The kids had mixed reviews.  Izzy loved it and Tucker wasn't impressed.  But, then again, Tucker is rarely impressed unless it's super sugary.  Izzy tends to like healthier things.  

BANa is for runners, those who work outside, those who are sick, just about anyone! You can find out where BANa is available here.  For now, I have got to get mine online until a local place carries it.    

My Garden.
I must have lost my gardening touch or something because I haven't produced as much in the garden as I have before in terms of squash.  The plants look rather weak and some critter has been eating whatever grows.  I've gotten 4 summer squash from the garden and that is it.  Boo!  But, I've gotten tons of kale, sugar snap peas, yellow wax beans and green beans.  The tomatoes are coming along quite nicely as well.  But, even with the lack of squash - I still do love harvesting my own food and feeding my family with it.  

Our Home.
While our house is probably always going to be a work in progress, it's still a great place to live.  We have a huge loop driveway where the kids can ride their bikes aways from the busy traffic, lots of fields, woods, and a stream.  

After a large rainstorm, you can hear the stream from the house.  Last night we took a little stroll down to the stream to check out what the rain had done to our stream!   

Selfie Contest!  
I love selfies.  Sweaty Selfies, kid selfies and now soda selfies.  Zevia has a #zeviastyle #sodaselfie contest going on right now!  Check it out at    It's a ton of fun.  They are giving away $100 Target Gift Cards and other prizes every single day from 8/15 - 9/05.  Check out for inspiration and share you post/pics with the hashtag #zeviastyle.

Who wouldn't want to win a gift card to Target?  I know I would!!!!  

Join the fun!!!  


  1. Ugh, we have RATS eating my veggies now. Everything was doing so good then they discovered my eggplants, bell peppers and even hot peppers. I'm so frustrated. Apparently the roaming neighborhood cats aren't doing any hunting LOL. Way to knock out that long run!

  2. You have a steam … no fair, HARUMF! ;-)
    Can't wait to see which marathon you finally go for …...

  3. I wish I had a garden. Then again, i would likely kill everything in it! My dad grew up on a farm, and can grow anything. Me? NOTSOMUCH

  4. Your garden is the opposite of mine. Plenty of summer and winter squash but the deer have taken my bean plants down to the nub and I've gotten a whole ONE tomato so far. Ugh.

  5. It is nice to have company for long runs, really makes them fly by. I have to drive quite a ways to find anyone to run with. My garden is just starting to have tomatoes ready to eat but there are hundreds of them! My peas didn't do so well this year, not sure what the deal was, but harvesting lots of green beans, beets and lettuce. The raccoons are wreaking havoc with my corn though.

  6. Long runs are so much better with company! The miles just seem to fly by ;)


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