How Did I Ever Survive?

Last Thursday I made my first trek ever via airplane.  Yes. You read that correctly.  I am 38 years old and have never flown before.  That is... Until last Thursday.

When I received the invite to be a RW Influencer and attend the 4th Runner's World Half and Festival, David kindly offered to fly me down.  Immediately I felt a lump in my throat. Oh crap!

Since this year seems to be my year for conquering fears...

Afraid of heights...  run Mt. Washington.  Check.

Afraid to swim in the ocean...complete my first tri IN THE OCEAN.  Check.

Afraid to fly? But seriously want to do all of the Runner's World races, meet Runner's World Editors, Staff and meet the other blogger influencers?  Okay, fine.  I'll fly.

For the past couple of months, Ward heard me constantly ask questions about flying.  I googled all I could.  I read blog posts about it.  I annoyed the crap out of my awesome sister-in-law asking her about it too.  And I talked about it to anyone willing to run with me.

I was packed and then these two new Spandits pieces came....
which meant, pack again!  

Leading up to the big day... I was a wreck.   I packed and repacked several times. I messaged Nancy daily asking her what she was bringing.  Then I would repack again.  Finally Thursday came and all was right with the world.

Thursday morning came and the nerves were settled.  I took both kids to school...kissed the husband goodbye and was on my way to the airport. 

I boarded plane...with no issues.  Yes!  As the engines started up, my stomach did do a little flip, but then we started moving and I couldn't help but look out the window.   I wanted to face my fears...but soon got sucked into the beauty.  

As you can tell, I made it.  No freaking out.  And when I arrived at the Philadelphia Airport...I had this guy waiting for me.  Talk about fancy!  

Tell me!  Am I the only person above the age of 10 who hadn't flown before? 


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