Mighty Nut Review + Giveaway

I received Mighty Nut Powdered Peanut Butter product to review via my association with Fit Approach. All opinions are, as always, my own!

Good morning!  You all know I love food.  Peanut butter makes the world go round.  And it would make me go round if I ate it as much as I wanted.  I could seriously open a jar of peanut butter and go to town.  

There are so many calories in peanut butter, it scares me!  BUT, hold on.  Peanut butter has so many other good things about it, you don't want to avoid it.  It's a great protein source...and when you're running all of the mileage, protein is needed.  

This fall has been absolutely, beyond crazy in terms of work, running, kid schedules.  I barely have time to go to the grocery store...therefore meal planning is almost non existent.    Thank goodness for my smoothie breakfasts and lunches...which are super fast, easy and delicious... or I wouldn't have time to eat!  And THAT my lovelies would be bad news! 

With that said, when the kids come home from school, we are all hungry!  We need a quick snack that is going to give us that much needed energy to get back at it...and I've found that perfect snack for us!    

Pumpkin Peanut Butter w/ Apple Slices  

Oh yeah.... my 2 favorite fall flavors with peanut butter.  And you know what?  The kids love it too!!!  

2 scoops of powdered mighty nut
2 tbsp of pumpkin 
1 tsp of stevia 
dash of cinnamon 

Mix all of the ingredients above.  Then slice up an apple or two and enjoy!

And when all else fails... I just add it to my smoothies.  Because, well, that's what I do!  

You all know I'm obsessed with pumpkin lately...so let's add in pumpkin and mighty nut butter to my normal Arbonne vanilla powder with cashew butter... and see what happens!  

Pardon the creepy dark pic of me....  it's dark when I go to work!  But YUM to my smoothie!!!  

A few facts about Mighty Nut

* gluten free
* non-GMO certified
*made in America
* per serving (2 TBSP) - 5 g protein, 1.5 g fat, 1-2 g of sugar, 1-2 g of fiber
* 4 flavors: original, chocolate, flax and chia, and vanilla 

Are you ready to add some guilt free Might Nut Butter to your life?  Lucky for you I have a jar to giveaway!  

Enter below through the rafflecopter.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway details: Giveaway starts October 21 at 12:00 am EST and ends October 28 at 12:00 am EST. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. The winner will be announced on the Running on Happy Facebook page, via TwitterInstagram, and will be contacted by email. One prize per person. If you win this giveaway and have already won Mighty Nut through another blog, please disclose that so another winner can be chosen.


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