Maine Half Marathon {recap}

My first time ever running a half marathon was at the Maine Half Marathon was 5 years ago.  It was an amazing experience then.... And continues to be an amazing experience.

Running the Maine Half Marathon was part of the Rise.Run.Retreat I attended the first weekend of October.  It was forecasted to be a chilly morning, so I stopped by the LL Bean employee store and snagged myself a robe to toss.  Cheap throwaway clothing is huge!

And can look awesome all at once.  I am sure everyone wanted my pink zip up robe!   But those Spandits capris?  Yes.  I cannot race without those!  

Photo credit Maine Running Photos

After a short warm up jog, I wished the ladies good luck. Then found my way to my pace in line and bumped into fellow Spandits Ambassador, Gretchen.  We are so easy to spot at races!

Photo credit Maine Running Photos

Shortly after we met up the gun went off and we were off!  Of course I made my way to the right where I knew I'd get my photo op by the incredible Maine Running Photos guys!!!   

Photo credit Maine Running Photos

My goal for the race was sub 1:50.  I had been unsure of what my training was going to prove today, but I seriously felt a solid training run with some speed would be a great step in the right direction.  I aimed to keep my pace in check... Around 8:10 and assess where I was at the half way point.  

I had taken the advice of Tina, the incredible elite athlete who also attended the retreat and she said not to focus on my watch.  So I didn't.  As much.  I looked after mile 1 and saw 8:05.  It felt comfortable so I aimed to stay with that level.

Photo credit Happy Fit Mama

At the halfway mark I glanced again and was pumped.  I realized that if I held strong I could PR.  So my new goal was PR!!!  Which unofficially was 1:44 on a 12.9 course 
(obviously not an entire half distance).   

Finish line photo of Team Spandits!!!

Apparently I was supposed to wear Patriotic Dragon to the race? Gretchen and Katie failed to tell me!  But I am quite fond of my Seasick Tiger. 

And me, in clean Spandits, race shirt, medal and kickass OFFICIAL PR of 1:44:17

And my new PR shoes with of course my freaking awesome ProCompression socks!

Have you PR'ed lately? Aiming for a PR?


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