16 miles (and change)

We did it!  That's right, Jess and I took on the 16 mile run Monday afternoon.  It was a drizzly type of day, and about 65 degrees.  It actually felt perfect for running.  Jess met me at my house and we took off on our run.  The cool thing about this run is that Jess lives about 8 miles away - so we ran to her house and had a potty break and then ran back to my house.  We also altered our route so we didn't run on the same road out and back, and we ended up making a big circle instead.  

Leg #1 

The entire route

The highlights:
- We went over the highway - two times!
- We passed by two farms with cows - stinky
- We tackled some pretty nice sized hills and we actually walked two hills near the end - oh well
- We did stop to stretch out our legs because we felt our calves tightening up and both of us nearly fell over and made some horrible grunting noises trying to reach down.  That was a sight.
- We came home to my house to pumpkin scones, chocolate milk and pizza.  Ward is the BEST!  Because I baked him so many delicious goodies when he was training for his marathon - I am now getting the same rewards.  Yay me!  When I asked him where he found the pumpkin scone recipe - he said "your blog!"  Too cute.
- We got to listen to Jess's shoes squeak and squoosh for the last 8 miles when it started getting a bit more wet.
- We brought our beloved Camelbaks along and were hydrated the entire time - little sips of water works wonders!
- At Jess's house - I did eat my Shot Bloks.

On of the midway hills - doesn't look like much - but it's brutal

When I came home, I didn't feel like dying.  But I didn't want to be sore on Tuesday, so I took some ibuprophen, rubbed some muscle rub on my legs, and did some stretching.  (Guess what? no pain on Tuesday!)   It was a great feeling to take on a new challenge of 16.5 miles!  We are so ready for 18 miles on Sunday.  Bring it.

One of the cow farms


  1. Fantastic, well done on an awesome run :-)

  2. congratulations! wooo hoo! :) that's motivation for my 15 mile run Saturday. :)

  3. Wow good job! Very cool that you could run between your houses and through some interesting areas lol


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