Beach to Beacon

Yesterday was the Beach to Beacon and boy it was a hot one.  It really wasn't so much the temperature, it was the humidity.  At times I was able to feel an ocean breeze, but those moments were very brief.  As always, several incredible spectators offered the runners relief with their hoses and I took every opportunity to run through them.  I even took water at the water stations, took a small sip and then poured the rest over my head.  

photo courtesy of

Anyway, I am not complaining.  I love this race.  As I said before, it is Maine's largest road race and is organized by my running idol - Joan Samuelson.  While I didn't get to see Joanie at yesterday's race, I have seen pictures and news clips that prove she was there running the show.  I also love this race because the finish line is at my mom's most favorite spot - Portland Head Light.  And again, I teared up again coming in to the finish area when thoughts of my mom overcame me.    

photo courtesy of

I did bring along my older camera so I could take some pictures of pre/post race; however, I completely forgot to check the batteries because I took 1 picture and then the batteries died.  Oops!  

Oh well.  At least Maine Running Photos was well represented at the race - at mile 5 and at the finish line. (Thank you Maine Running Photos!)  Here is one good one of Ward with a finish time of 38:46 (20 seconds slower than last year), but still looking awesome.  He was 208/6000(ish) and 13/335 for his division.  

photo courtesy of Maine Running Photos - Joe Hyatt

And here I am with a net time of 49:10.8 - an 18 second improvement for another PR!  

photo courtesy of Maine Running Photos - Joe Hyatt

Post race is always a bit overwhelming because there are so many people but we had a game plan this year and it worked!  I even got to meet Danielle.  We've run quite a few races and our times have been very close to each other's but we have never met.  Yesterday was the day! It was equally awesome to meet up with Carrie and Sarah - two more of my blogging friends AND Wade, Jill, Stacy, Ward, Mark, Christine, Kate, and Matt.  That's quite a group.  (I did have my friend Jess take a picture of this fine group - I hope she emails it to me so I can share!)  

This race is fantastic.  I love the energy and excitement it brings out in the spectators and the runners.  I cannot wait until I (try to) register for the race again this March!  


  1. congrats on a great race! You are a beast to run that fast in that weather. Bravo!!! (I used the same photos in mine) :)

  2. It was great to hang out with you guys post-race! I'd love to get a copy of that photo! Oh, and congrats again on your PR! You are awesome!!!

  3. @Emilie - I was only driven to keep up with my friend Christine!

    @Carrie - When I get the copy, I'll get it to you!!! :)

  4. FANTASTIC result, well done. Reads like an awesome race, helps to be organised and take that stress out of it.


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