Absolute Craziness

I was just looking at my logyourrun.com data tonight and realized that last July (when I started using the site for my running log) - I ran 52.1 miles.  (I need you to know that back then I thought that was a lot of miles!  Silly me!)

And this July I have logged in 102.1 miles.  That's nearly double the mileage!

Then I looked at my 2010 year totals and my 2011.

Ward suggested I figure out how many miles I run a day, so I added both yearly totals together to get 1211.4 then divided by 396 (365 + 31 for additional month for all of July) and my daily average is 3.06 miles!  Basically, I run a 5k a day.  (well, just a little shy of that)

What a great pick-me-up while I sit around "resting" for the B2B!  And I was feeling bad that I didn't run today.  Nope, not anymore.


  1. just wait until all the really long runs for marathon training get added into the mix... your mileage will soar! Good work! I'm really excited for B2B!!

  2. That's awesome! It makes my numbers look so low! I was happy that I broke the 30 mile mark (35.7) last month, though. Can't wait for Saturday!!!

  3. It must be almost time for the Beach to Beacon. I did that several years ago before I ran - I did it as a fast walker. It didn't fill up so fast then. Doesn't it fill up crazy fast now? I would like to do it again some day. I came here from P's bloggy post exchange.
    Congrats on the increased mileage.

  4. Welcome to my little blog! Yes - B2B is this weekend. This race fills up within minutes now. It's crazy!


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