Bradbury Hike

Yesterday was another glorious day and with a little over a week left of summer vacation, I felt I had to get Tucker out for a hike so he could use his new Sprout backpack.

Of course he wanted to bring his best-buddy Jackson. 

Off we went to Bradbury Mountain State Park in Pownal, Maine.  It's a cute state park, close to Freeport, which meant a nice little hike with the boys, then lunch and some shopping in Freeport.  Win win.

We ended up doing a 2 mile hike.  The boys had so much fun with their hydro-backpacks.  Tucker had his Sprout and Jackson was using Ward's Camelbak.

Next week is my last week before school starts.  We have LOTS of fun to accomplish!


  1. I like Bradbury, such a nice, close, small "mountain". Glad you are enjoying your last days of summer!

  2. Looks like a beautiful place for a hike, so excited to take my kids hiking when they get a little bigger!


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