Why You Should Try Snow Shoe Running

Snow shoe races have intrigued me for a long time.   And I'm ready to take the plunge and actually do a race this March.  Insert nervous laugh.  

Living in Maine, there are times that we are completely overwhelmed with snow when it seems like the only option is to strap on the snow shoes and get out there.  Plus, I'm super blessed to have fields that give me a 1/3 of mile loop...where I can strap on my snow shoes and run around my fields while the kids play outside and the dogs chase me around on the trail.  

I love my Buff USA - keeps my head and ears toasty warm!

For some reason, Winter Storm Jonas took a turn and decided to hit the central East Coast States...and we lucked out on the snow dumping. However, I am positive we'll get our turn and have a big ass storm come our way and give us more snow than I really want...but I'll take in all in stride and strap on my beloved snow shoes from LL Bean and head out for a snow shoe run.  

I will add that I'm not one of those hardcore, I'm running outside in all weather types of girls.  Nope.  I love the treadmill too.  But that's another post.  Today's all about why Snow Shoe Running is awesome and why you should do it!  

1.  Raise that Heart Rate! 

Last week when I went out for my first snow shoe run of the season, I brought along my newest Polar RCX5 watch with heart rate monitor.  I knew I was pushing it on the run but didn't realize how much I was pushing it until I came inside and checked out the stats on my watch.  

Woah!  I seriously maxed out there!  Seriously, pushing yourself through the snow like that makes running on the bare pavement seem so easy.  Kinda like running on a beach, but harder.  WAY harder.  And seriously rewarding.  

2.  Embrace the Weather

New snow fall have you missing running?  Your favorite running route is covered and it's hard to get there?   No sweat!  Strap on some snow shoes and just get out there.  With snow shoes, you can make your own path.  You don't have to be sad that your favorite path hasn't been plowed.   

Thermal Spandits, Altra Olympus 2.0, ProCompression socks, and
LL Bean Snow Shoes for the win!

If you are making your own path like I do, be prepared.  The first two loops are a lot slower as you are creating a trail and packing down some fluffy white stuff.  And be prepared for some high drifting that may lead you into hip height (or deeper) snow drifts.  Your pace will be slow for sure, but your heart will be pumping and working hard.  

3.  Fancy Gear Not Required!

Just like road running, you don't have to invest in a ton of fancy gear for snow shoe running. You do not have to get fancy running snow shoes.  What I've done is wear my kids 19 in (lighter and narrower snow shoes) mostly because it's what we have and they aren't too heavy on the feet.  If I get serious about snow shoe running I might invest in some more expensive running types, but until then, I'm perfectly happy with my kids snow shoes.  

If you live in a cold(ish) climate, then you already have hats, buffs, mittens, warmer running bottoms, and jackets.  So you're all set there!  I do notice that I heat up much faster with snow shoe running, so I prefer a buff that I wear as a big headband to keep my ears warm but doesn't cover my head and allows to release some body heat!  Buff USA has great buffs to choose from with fun and fabulous prints.  Or you can choose from one of their hats if you prefer.  

4.  It's FUN!  

It's always fun to try something new and different.  It's also fun to prove to yourself how badass you are.   You can bring the kids along or the dogs along too.  How about that for family fun time?  

I know the dogs absolutely love running through the field with me!  

Have you tried snow shoe running before? 
 If not, now is the time.  Well, if you have snow of course!  


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