Collagen Sport Review part 2 & my vlog debut (eek!)

2012 is about challenges for me.  I'm taking on 2 more marathons, a few half marathons, the Reach the Beach Relay, and a triathlon. To keep up with the training and have enough energy to work full time and be a good mom, I need to focus on my recovery after my runs. 

Collagen Sport is going to help me through it. 

Here's my 1st attempt at a vlog.  Jean at Neocell asked me to do one.  I really didn't think I had it in me to do something like this...but I just went with it.  Of course, I waited until the day I had four kids hanging out at my house.  As you can tell, it's never, ever dull around my house.  Ever. 

Apparently kids have to walk around in helmets and goggles around here too! 


  1. Love the Vlog... the icing on the cake? the kids in the background... I'm sold.

  2. Love it...gotta love that crazy kid in the background with the goggles waving. Nice work!!!

    1. Thank you, sweetie! I did 4 takes and this was the one with the least amount of kid distraction. Ha ha ha!

  3. Great job Jen! You are braver than me to do your first vlog =) I love the kiddos keeping you company & giving support.

    1. It's funny how they were nowhere in sight when I started the video and then they came running when the heard what I was doing!

  4. Great job!! I love Collagen Sport!!!

  5. hahahaha!!!!!! I LOVE your little man in the back ground :) waving away!!!

  6. ha ha cute kids. You are so not an akward vlogger. Kudos, Jen.


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