Snow Day!

You all know teachers love snow days just as much more than kids do.  I know, I know.  I JUST had a break last week, but a midweek break is always incredibly nice as well and I'll never turn down a day off!  

I started off my day with a bike ride in the comfort of my living room.  It was a scheduled rest day, but I knew I needed to do something.  Since I had both the kids and Ward was working, it meant biking.  

As soon as I got off the bike, little Miss Isabella went to her bedroom and grabbed her laptop and set it on the table and got on the bike and exclaimed "my turn!".  

How adorable.  Yes, I push that little table up to the bike so I can catch up on fb, twitter and blogs during my rides.  This is definitely one huge plus to biking inside. 

 Then of course, we had to get outside and play.  What is a snow day without bundling up and getting outside to play in the snow?    

This little girl did not want to go inside.  She would have stayed out there all day.  

When Ward was done working, he got the vintage snow mobile going and took the boys out for a ride.  When I say vintage, I'm thinking it's from the 80s.  Ward traded a truck with a blown motor for this.  I think we got the better end.     

It was a bit cold out there because when he came inside, Ward looked like Grizzly Adams or something.  Not really appealing to me at all.  But he loves it.    

After dinner, the kids had an awesome time running around the house with the goggles and helmets on.  

I love this picture the most.   What a great group of kids!


  1. I LOVE Texas
    I misssssssssssss snow days :)

    1. While I do love snow days, I think I'd rather be able to run year long in shorts! :)

  2. As a teacher, it was SO nice to have a snow day -- I actually hadn't had one yet and felt entitled to it -- ha! Your daughter is so precious! I used to climb onto my mom's indoor exercise bike and do her jane fonda VHSs too! My husband has a beard and is always coming back from outside with frost and icicles on his funny. Glad you got to enjoy the snow too!

    1. Love it when the kids copy me. So cute! What is it with men and their beards? :)

  3. I so do not miss snow! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but does look fun

  4. I LOVE that picture of the kids! Glad you had a nice day off! We once traded an unusable boat for an 80s (working) snowmobile.

    1. Was it a craiglist deal? Ha! Any day off is nice. Really nice. :) Sorry you had to work. I hope it wasn't too slow for you.

  5. So jealous of your snow day! That's the one disadvantage of working at a college, we never have snow days (it has happened once in the almost 10 years I have been a student/employee here and it was for ice).

    Great job on the bike!

    1. You totally went to/work at the wrong college! I had snow days all of the time at UMF! :)

  6. What a fun snow day! We haven't had one here in NY this winter, but I'm kind of ok with it.

    1. I'd be okay with none would mean earlier summer vaca!

  7. BEST use of time, mixing biking with blogging! I wish I could do that, but I don't have a stationary bike (booo). Sometimes when I bike I bring a health magazine to catch up on the latest.

    PS Isabella is too previous. :)

    1. I love reading while biking too!!! Thank you, I'm quite fond if Izzy too.

  8. Super fun pics! Love the snow-beard and kids with goggles.

  9. Couldn't agree more, great picture of the kids :-)

  10. That looks like an amazing snow day! It's days like that when I can appreciate the cold snow.

  11. I usually only enjoy the snow the first day, then I'm bored with it the next and would love it if it melted away. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going anywhere soon. Bummer.

  12. What a fun looking snow day! I love how your daughter got her laptop too and was ready for her turn on the bike.

  13. I love snow days! We have had so few here in the DC area this winter, my kids did not put a snow suit on once! :( I don't blame your daughter for not wanting to come in it looked like a perfectly blissful day.


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